Search Results for 'climate'

Conference reports 1 Zibran Choudhury 12 November 2019

Funding on a finite planet

The 2019 Annual Conference of the Association of Charitable Foundations (ACF) bought together trusts and foundations from across the UK to engage them on taking action on the climate crisis. It’s been an active 12 …

Conference reports Anne Holm Rannaleet 11 November 2019

Scaling investments: Small – Bigger – JUMP

What does it take to scale a social impact investment? Pretty much the same as it takes to scale any start-up company you have invested in! Capital and human resources, but even more importantly, the …

Conference reports Caroline Bergeron 11 November 2019

Rigid regulatory and legal frameworks keeping Canadian philanthropy behind the curve

The certificate in philanthropic management of the Université de Montréal has partnered up with PhiLab in launching the 2019-20 academic year with a public conference. Hilary Pearson, CEO and president of Philanthropic Foundations Canada from 2001 to 2019, …

Conference reports Katherine MacDonald 10 November 2019

Time to modernise dated definition of philanthropy to reflect new Canadian reality?

Amidst the many activities happening to launch the 2019-2020 academic year, the Certificate in Philanthropic Management of Université de Montréal paired up with PhiLab to add their own event to the mix: a conference led …

News Charles Keidan 8 November 2019

Bertelsmann chief: make the SDGs philanthropy’s lingua franca

One of Europe’s leading foundations has urged an audience of philanthropy leaders to embrace the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as the unifying principle and ‘lingua franca’ of the global philanthropy sector. The comments …

Analysis Andrew Milner 5 November 2019

A feature of the landscape: The European Foundation Centre turns 30

‘I would not have dreamed in November ’89 that it would still be there 30 years later!’  Many would echo the sentiments of Raymond Georis, founding chair and moving spirit of the European Foundation Centre …

Opinion 1 Hilary Pearson 27 October 2019

Private philanthropy and public legitimacy

What makes a private foundation ‘legitimate’? And what role does public scrutiny play in answering this question? My reflection was piqued by two recent thought pieces on private philanthropy and public legitimacy. The first, from …

News Alliance magazine 23 October 2019

Queen Máxima of the Netherlands to attend 15th EVPA Annual Conference

Her Majesty, Queen Máxima of the Netherlands, plans to join over 800 EVPA conference goers, in The Netherlands, on 6 November. She will be presented the first copy of the anniversary report, ‘15 Years of …

Interview Andrew Milner 22 October 2019

Science and philanthropy join forces to protect the Global Commons

Interview: Professor Johan Rockström, Global Commons Alliance If we are to arrest climate change, safeguarding the global commons – the areas and ecosystems of our planet on which we all depend – is an absolute …

Opinion 2 Rose Longhurst 17 October 2019

Assessing your grantee’s financial sustainability? Then please read this.

Recently several small organisations I’m involved in have been quizzed about their ‘financial sustainability’ by foundation donors. This term has always made me bristle, as it’s often used as a cudgel to beat small organisations, …