Search Results for 'climate'

News Alliance magazine 25 May 2020

Women’s Livelihood Bond Series wins growth initiative in Asia

The Women’s Livelihood Bond Series, an initiative of Impact Investment Exchange, has won the opportunity to scale an innovative finance solution for gender-equal COVID-resilience and green growth across Asia through P4G, or Partnering for Green …

Practical advice Emma McIntosh and Francesca McGrath 21 May 2020

Supporting conservation during a crisis

Many are wondering – more than usual – about whether they will be able to start or sustain a career in nature conservation. Yet supporting conservation and conservationists is more critical now than ever. Nature …

News Alliance magazine 21 May 2020

Angel Font elected new European Foundation Centre Chair

Angel Font, Corporate Director of Research and Strategy at “la Caixa” Foundation in Spain, was elected the new Chair of the European Foundation Centre during its 2020 Annual General Assembly, which took place online yesterday. …

Practical advice Aboli Abkari 20 May 2020

Partnerships, the need of the hour

The social-development sector cannot thrive without partnerships. The Government, the civil society organisations and the private organisations need to work together to reach the most vulnerable populations like the socioeconomically disadvantaged. Building strong partnerships and …

News Elika Roohi 15 May 2020

ACF report sets out aspirational best practice strategy for stronger foundations

The Association of Charitable Foundations (ACF) has published a new report on the crucial importance of strategic thinking and strong governance practices for charitable foundations that want to be ambitious and effective with all their …

Opinion Florence Miller 6 May 2020

Environmental philanthropy and COVID-19: What’s love got to do with it?

COVID-19 took many of our carefully thought-through plans and scattered them from the window of a fast-moving vehicle. But the pandemic has also brought many things into sharp focus. Inequalities of experience We may all …

Interview Andrew Milner 5 May 2020

Interview: Benjamin Bellegy, WINGS

The latest piece of research produced by the Worldwide Networks for Grantmaker Support (WINGS), designed to help philanthropy support organisations (PSOs) think through their role in changing circumstances has been overborne by the Covid-19 crisis…well, …

Opinion 1 With and For Girls 2 May 2020

COVID-19 and Girls’ Rights: A series from With and For Girls

A new series from With and For Girls shares learning, resources, knowledge and calls to action regarding the impact of COVID-19 on girls globally. It draws from Collective partners, girl leaders at the grassroots level …

Opinion 18 Jon Huggett 1 May 2020

From smart people doing good things to good people doing smart things

The coronavirus pandemic is an opportunity for philanthropy and social innovation to evolve from an educated elite doing good to a much broader and wiser movement. My parents grew up in the Second World War …

Opinion Jonathan Pershing 22 April 2020

On Earth Day’s 50th anniversary, reflecting on today’s challenges

On this 50th anniversary of the first Earth Day, we are all in an unsettled place. Globally, the COVID-19 pandemic has taken tens of thousands of lives, and containment measures have caused unprecedented economic disruption. …