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Investors’ perspectives: Zooming in from 10,000 feet

Maximilian Martin 1 September 2012

As the ‘next gen’ successor to capital markets focused on a single bottom line, impact investing is at a fascinating juncture. The loss of confidence in banks and mainstream investments appears to be with us …

Redefining development: a new role for foundations

Jay Naidoo 15 August 2012

I have participated in endless conferences about the business of development. I have walked away more confused than ever by the sophisticated development speak and Powerpoint presentations. How has the global development industry succeeded in …

When will we ever learn?

Diana Leat 18 June 2012

One of the many colourful characters one encounters in the strange world of philanthropy is the new convert who believes that he or she is creating a brand new dawn, bringing new perspectives and encountering …

Opening up the gender conversation

Françoise Pissart 1 June 2012

Does using a gender lens strengthen a foundation’s ability to effect social change in their communities and beyond? Yes, it can… but the focus should not be limited to funding projects targeting women and girls. …

Investing for your own and the greater good

Paul Woolley 1 June 2012

Most of us have been brought up to believe that free markets combined with healthy competition deliver good outcomes. We also presume that what holds true in goods markets also applies in financial markets. The …

‘What is your failure rate?’

Lisa Jordan 1 March 2012

Recently, I was talking to a venture capitalist who is setting up a new foundation. ‘In the first half of the life of a venture capitalist,’ he said, ‘I expect 70 per cent of my …

Advisers’ perspectives – Strategic partnerships to serve the sophisticated philanthropist

Felicitas von Peter and Patrick Frick 1 March 2012

Last July, Beyond Philanthropy, the for-profit affiliate of Berlin-based Active Philanthropy, and the Swiss philanthropy consultancy Social Investors Partners signed a cooperation agreement. Patrick Frick of Social Investors Partners talked at the time of ‘a …

Investors’ perspectives – From acorns to oaks

Doug Miller and Simon Chadwick 1 March 2012

Building on the success of its sister organization, the European Venture Philanthropy Association (EVPA), in Europe, the Asian Venture Philanthropy Network (AVPN) is developing the venture philanthropy movement across the Asia Pacific region. Currently recruiting …

Gorillas in the midst: foundation accountability in a networked age

Jacob Harold 1 December 2011

Gorillas – whether or not of the 800-pound variety – are powerful creatures. The presence of a gorilla on the cover of the last issue of Alliance was a winking reference to the sheer size …

Advisers’ perspectives – Philanthropy, advocacy and systemic change

Judith Symonds 1 December 2011

If the principal goals of philanthropy are to help resolve societal problems, serve the ‘public good’ and bring about sustainable systemic change, then advocacy is an essential element in achieving these goals. Indeed, Gara La …