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Hostile takeover of civil society pays dividends for new Polish government

Ewa Kulik-Bielinska 6 September 2016

The victory of the right-wing Law and Justice Party in the Polish elections of September last year has been followed by legislative changes which are little short of a dismantling of liberal democracy and the …

What do Europeans think of British philanthropy?

Alliance magazine 14 June 2016

On 23 June 2016, the UK holds a referendum on whether to remain in or leave the European Union (EU). As highlighted in Alliance Extra, the vote is on the minds of British foundations. But …

Ending American poverty: the SDGs in the global north

Lauren Bradford and Natalie Ross 7 June 2016

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) represent a turning point in development. They apply equally to the global south and north, creating a universal agenda for a different planet by 2030 that ‘leaves no one behind’. …

The grateful patient as philanthropist

Steven Rum and Jane Wheeler 7 June 2016

Healthcare benefits hugely from philanthropic gifts, and grateful patients seem like a good source of funds. But is it okay for doctors to be involved in fundraising? This dilemma is raised by the new and …

Closing space survey: responses from around the world

Alliance magazine 24 May 2016

Earlier this month, Alliance and European Foundation Centre (EFC) published the results of a joint survey about the restrictions on freedom of action imposed by governments on civil society. Two things stood out. First, a …

Who should measure the impact of non-profits? Responses to Caroline Fiennes and Ken Berger

3 Paul Garner, David Bonbright and Tris Lumley 22 March 2016

The non-profit impact revolution has taken a wrong turn. The job of examining their impact should be done by independent specialists rather than non-profits themselves: this is what Caroline Fiennes and Ken Berger argue in …

Time for philanthropy to master digital data

Lucy Bernholz 11 March 2016

Civil society organizations are well practised in using time and money for good. From now on, however, they also need to master using digital data and infrastructure. Like the other sectors of our societies, both …

US engages with civil society and philanthropy

Laura Abrahams Schulz 1 December 2015

Around the world, civil society and the foundations that support it are essential partners in crafting development solutions, responding to humanitarian crises, advancing human rights and democratic values, and helping to build resilient societies and …

Replace soft imperialism with honest collaboration

Isabel Kelly 1 December 2015

Every government has a responsibility to create an environment within which civil society in its broadest sense can flourish; the US government clearly takes this responsibility seriously and plays an important role in helping to …

Not simply an act of charity: Māori gift exchange

2 Mānuka Hēnare 1 September 2015

There are two distinct traditions of philanthropy at work in Aotearoa New Zealand, the Māori and the Anglo-Western, deriving from the country’s colonial heritage. At the moment, proponents of the two traditions are at risk …