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It’ll take more than money

Barbara Kibbe 1 September 2006

I’ve been working in and for NGOs for more than 30 years. This work has taken me to five continents and the Western Pacific. I’ve had the great privilege to meet and work with extraordinary …

Miserable measurables

Bruce Sievers 1 June 2006

One of the most frequently heard words in the foundation world these days is ‘measurable’, as in ‘We want to know the measurable outcomes of our grants’. It seems like a reasonable enough request on …

Hand over the keys to the Toyota

Nick Cater 1 September 2005

Repeat after me: ‘Expatriates are essential for successful international aid.’ Just saying the words reveals how dated and offensive such an idea is; yet the northern-controlled system for development and relief programmes – state funders …

Accommodating the corporate perspective

Delwin A Roy 1 September 1999

In the past few years, it has become fashionable to try to interest corporations in cooperating with other sectors. To some extent, the corporate sector has come forward in trying to initiate joint efforts, but …

Can companies afford to be without an exit strategy?

Delwin A Roy 1 June 1999

Corporations have for some time shown a stronger inclination to link their corporate community involvement (CCI) actions to defined strategic business interests. Central to this definition of business interest will be a projection of the …

Who will take the corporate bull by the horns?

Delwin A Roy 1 March 1999

In a speech given at the University of California in September 1998, the Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank, Alan Greenspan, commented, ‘Something must be done to protect the poorer nations from the instability in …

Philanthropy’s Voice in Public Policy?

Delwin A Roy 1 December 1998

The notion of the failing capacity of government alone to provide all the goods and services wanted and needed by the public has been with us since the early 1980s. It has never been contended …