September 2024

Tax and philanthropy

Volume 29 , Number 3

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September 2024

Tax and philanthropy

Volume 29 , Number 3

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The intellectual underpinning of tax incentives is that they allow individuals a measure of choice in funding public goods. Practically, it’s often argued that tax incentives significantly increase the amount of philanthropy – especially where giving is low – by encouraging donations. But the evidence is mixed at best. If incentives positively affect donations, the knock-on effects may aggravate existing inequalities. In developed countries (for want of a better term), it’s unlikely that tax incentives will have much effect on small, out-of-pocket givers. Incentives are only significant for large donors.

Questions around taxation and philanthropy are many. Should we really be offering inducements that only the rich can take advantage of? If they are rich, should they not be paying a full share of tax and, if they choose to, do philanthropy? How should we think about tax incentives? Should countries that operate tax incentives introduce a graduated set of incentives or a cap? (A paper by the OECD suggests this as one possibility). Should we abolish tax incentives altogether and take the position that philanthropy is welcome but should not be at the expense of the public purse?


Philanthropy is not an island

In the comparatively short time it took to plan, produce, and publish this issue, the world has dramatically changed. Chinese probes visited the dark side of the moon. An attempted assassination on former US President Trump almost cost him his life. Elections, to varying results, have been held in Mexico, India, France, and the UK. Across the globe, countries continue to experience the largest number of violent conflicts since the Second World War.   This is my first issue as magazine editor for Alliance. The world of philanthropy is a new venture for me. At times, working on this issue has …

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