The special feature for this issue is called ‘Philanthropy advice: a profession in search of standards’. The guest editors are Melissa Berman of Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors, Felicitas von Peter of Active Philanthropy, and Olga Alexeeva, formerly with CAF, now heading up the new Philanthropy Bridge Foundation. A recurring theme throughout the issue is the lack of, and need for, professional standards in the field. In addition to articles by each of the guest editors, the special feature includes interviews with donors about how they see philanthropy advice and an article in which nine philanthropy advisers from around the world discuss what happens when either good practice or their own views conflict with the wishes of the client.
The special feature also includes a group of articles on philanthropy advice within banks, with interviews with the heads of philanthropy at four private banks, an overview of the situation in emerging markets, and an article looking at the dangers of bad practice.
This issue of Alliance also includes interviews with Maria Chertok of CAF Russia and Joe Cerrell of the Gates Foundation, Ise Bosch talking about her experience of implementing a ‘unified investment strategy’ with a non-mainstream LGBTI mission, and further articles, reviews, conference reports and global updates.
Philanthropy advice in emerging markets
As part of our special feature on philanthropy advice in the September issue of Alliance, we contacted a number of people involved in philanthropic ventures in emerging markets to find out what options were available in these parts of the world.
Click here to read the results.
Foundation Week highlights
Also published with the September issue of Alliance is a special supplement presenting highlights of the recent Foundation Week hosted by the European Foundation Centre (EFC).
Click here to download the supplement.