March 2024

What leadership can philanthropy provide?

Volume 29 , Number 1

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March 2024

What leadership can philanthropy provide?

Volume 29 , Number 1

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Among the articles in the March 24 special feature on leadership, co-executive directors of Mama Cash, Happy Kinyili and Saranel Benjamin talk about how their leadership model aligns with the organisation’s values. From Brazil, Renata Minerbo talks of leadership based on feminist principles. Sameer Shisodia of India’s Rainmatter Foundation believes that philanthropy should be leading on the idea of embracing complexity and Ellen Dorsey, who is stepping down after 16 years as executive director of the Wallace Global Fund, argues that new times require new leadership and poses ten questions philanthropy’s leaders should ask themselves.

Special feature

Leadership: Beyond theories of change to practices of change

5 March 2024
Sufina Ahmad and Tendisai Chigwedere

Theories of leadership are often framed by the business world in terms of individuals. We need to revise them. In fact, do we need a theory at all? 2024 is a crucial year for democracy, with an estimated two billion of us set to go to the polls globally. For many voters it will be a chance to reflect on the kinds of leaders they want to respond to what is being called the polycrisis …


Welcome to the March 2024 issue of Alliance

Welcome to this new – and new look – issue of Alliance magazine This issue includes a special feature on leadership in philanthropy. Too often, our focus in popular depictions is on the lifestyles of elite philanthropists or the views of big personalities in our field.   But what about the committed individuals working in or leading philanthropic foundations? Often, they’re tasked with difficult judgements about allocating resources, navigating between family members and professionals, and managing teams. This special feature is guest edited by two exceptional women leading by example, Zimbabwean Tendisai Chigwedere, who is transitioning after six years at TrustAfrica. …

Where is philanthropy as we sleepwalk into conflict?

Few would disagree that the loss of almost 30,000 Palestinian lives in Gaza (at the time of writing) and the massacre of 1,200 people in Israel on 7 October 2023 are moral failings of huge proportions. Who is responsible for this failure? And how much worse could things get? Those questions were on the minds of philanthropy leaders, peacebuilding nonprofits and diplomats at a hastily convened meeting in Belfast in February organised by the Social Change Initiative for donors responding to violent conflict. Western foreign policy has failed on Israel/Palestine. Faced with a fork in the road in 2006, it …

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