Feminist philanthropy
More funding for ‘women and girls’ is necessary but not sufficient. What philanthropy really needs is a feminist consciousness – a vision which places women’s rights front and centre, challenges political norms and economic orders, shifts power to the most marginalised and interrogates the social construction of gender. This revolutionary spirit runs through the contributions which inform the issue, guest edited by Dreilnden’s Ise Bosch and Urgent Action Fund’s, Ndana Bofu-Tawamba.
The issue highlights and celebrates practical ways that feminist philanthropy has created a more equal world. Women’s Funds, ‘gender wise’ funding toolkits, impact investing with a gender lens and united action by green and gender activists are just a few examples featured on these pages.
The issue also provides encouragement to male colleagues to engage with these questions with humility and depth.
Elsewhere we talk to Sandra Breka who has led a process of modernising one of Europe’s most iconic Foundations, the Robert Bosch Stiftung.