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Impact of new approaches needs to be demonstrated

Anna Wansbrough-Jones 7 March 2017

The December issue of Alliance focused on the topic of community philanthropy and the concept of ‘durable development’ – shifting power closer to the ground and giving agency to local people and their organizations. Here, …

Strengthening the bonds of civil society

Aimi Zhou and Ine Van Severen 7 March 2017

The December issue of Alliance focused on the topic of community philanthropy and the concept of ‘durable development’ – shifting power closer to the ground and giving agency to local people and their organizations. Here, …

USAID must reform to truly support a community philanthropy model

Aisha Mansour 7 March 2017

The December issue of Alliance focused on the topic of community philanthropy and the concept of ‘durable development’ – shifting power closer to the ground and giving agency to local people and their organizations. Aisha …

Measuring small-scale contributions to the SDGs

Dana R. H. Doan 7 March 2017

The December issue of Alliance focused on the topic of community philanthropy and the concept of ‘durable development’ – shifting power closer to the ground and giving agency to local people and their organizations. Here, …

SDGs must be part of community philanthropy agenda

Carola Carazzone 7 March 2017

The December issue of Alliance focused on the topic of community philanthropy and the concept of ‘durable development’ – shifting power closer to the ground and giving agency to local people and their organizations. Here, …

Democratize philanthropy

Eugenie Harvey 29 November 2016

The September 2016 Alliance breakfast club, kindly hosted by Charities Aid Foundation, focused on the influence of philanthropy, and what limits, if any, should be imposed. The discussion was rooted in Alliance magazine’s September 2016 special feature: ‘Does philanthropy have too much …

Funders need to use knowledge and exert influence

Lena Baumgartner 29 November 2016

The topic at the last Alliance breakfast club, How much influence does philanthropy have? provoked much debate. One of the speakers, Linsey McGoey, used the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative to illustrate her argument. The author of …

Give power to grantees

Angela Seay 29 November 2016

Alliance magazine is to be commended for its September issue special feature contributing to the ongoing discussion of philanthropy’s increasing influence. Often philanthropy has too much influence depending on the cause and the donor. There …

Choose carefully: thoughts on philanthropy’s bankers

Karin Jestin 29 November 2016

Passionately convinced of the need to advance philanthropy, I welcome banks’ engagement on this issue, as highlighted in the article on banks acting as philanthropy advisers in the September 2016 issue of Alliance. The more …

Engagement needs more time to prove itself

Julian Poulter 6 September 2016

In the June issue of Alliance, Ellen Dorsey, Sian Ferguson and Clara Vondrich made the case for divestment of assets from fossil fuel companies on ethical, financial and fiduciary grounds. Mark O’Kelly disagreed, arguing that …