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What about the media?

Fernando Rossetti 1 December 2008

Although it is true that foundations – like any other human institution – need watchdogs to assure good governance, civil society organizations might not always be the best choice to perform this role. As Rick …

Preferring the carrot to the stick

Steve Gunderson 1 December 2008

When history looks back on the philanthropic world in the first decade of the 21st century, I suspect it will define us in basic ways. It will record that during this time philanthropy grew in …

Watchdog or champion?

Gerry Salole 1 December 2008

I have been reading with interest and some bemusement the exchange of articles concerning the merits of external watchdog organizations. I am sympathetic to the notion of watchdog organizations and I also believe that further …

Moving on from definitions

Peter Kenyon 1 December 2008

I read the latest edition of Alliance on my way home from this year’s European Venture Philanthropy Association (EVPA) conference in Frankfurt. I was struck from your publication and the EVPA event by how much …

The right match

Alliance magazine 1 December 2008

In the September 2008 issue of Alliance, Matthew Bishop and Michael Edwards offer contrasting views on the subject of ‘philanthrocapitalism’. In my estimation, philanthrocapitalism as described by Bishop and Edwards is neither inherently good nor …

Objects or subjects?

David Bonbright 1 December 2008

I was struck by the similar use of the term ‘beneficiary’ in the letters from Felicitas von Peter and Theresa Lloyd in your September 2008 issue. While promoting different arguments to improve philanthropy, both letters …

How good is philanthropy?

Theresa Lloyd 1 September 2008

Giving – it’s all good Recent articles, news stories and your own latest editorial in the June issue of Alliance have continued to keep alive questions related to donor intent and the issue of whether …

Finding a niche or meeting the need?

Felicitas von Peter 1 September 2008

Among the many excellent articles in the June Alliance special feature, I was particularly struck by Rory Tolentino’s statement that ‘responsible philanthropy tries to gather information, listens to voices close to the ground, and determines …

The importance of advocacy

Alliance magazine 1 September 2008

Well-intentioned philanthropists are eager to see the fruits of their contributions: a new school erected, malaria nets distributed, acres of forest protected. Philanthropists who have found success in the for-profit world can be heartened by …

Followers or leaders?

Bruce Sievers 2 June 2008

The informative exchange between Joel Fleishman and Bill Schambra highlights two important issues in current philanthropic practice that are not explicitly addressed by either writer. First, despite Joel’s claim that foundations have notably exercised leadership …