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Does philanthropy have a mental health problem?

Amy Cunningham 31 May 2022 For Subscribers

To mark the publication of our March 2022 special feature on mental health philanthropy, Alliance hosted an event in partnership with Strong Minds, a social enterprise providing mental health services to African women: ‘I think …

Help! What should I do about a flakey fundraiser?

Veritas 31 May 2022 For Subscribers

Dear Veritas, Our small US-based nonprofit serving poor families in the Global South recently hired a fundraiser. He charged $25,000 upfront and, based on his reputation, we agreed to contract with him to increase our funding. …

Tax: no need to wait for government action

Emily Reid 1 March 2022

Seeing Graham Hobson’s piece, ‘More tax, more philanthropy’ (Alliance, December 2021), I wanted to add an extra nudge for readers in their thinking about taxes. I agree with Mr Hobson that ‘the most wealthy can …

Help! How can I hold my foundation accountable?

Veritas 1 March 2022

Dear Veritas, I work for a foundation that, like so many others, made commitments to diversity and racial justice during the summer of 2020. However, I’m finding that not much has changed – both with …

Still critical friends

Eva Rehse 30 November 2021 For Subscribers

I welcome the critique of Alliance’s future editorial direction (Alliance 100th issue, September 2021). And I’m pleased to see Alliance magazine using its 25th anniversary as a moment for reflection. Alliance stands alone as global …

Challenges impact us all

Richard Marker 30 November 2021 For Subscribers

Congratulations to Alliance on its 100th issue. It captures both the developments in the field over the last generation but also the continuing dialectic tensions that underscore our work.  The profound institutional and technological changes that inform what we …

How can we do the most good?

Hannan Ali 30 November 2021 For Subscribers

I was one of the fortunate individuals who attended the #AllianceAt25 event at the Aga Khan Centre in London. As we discussed how philanthropy had changed and where it was headed, one thought was running …

A well-woven gem!

Michael D. Layton 30 November 2021 For Subscribers

Congratulations on a wonderful 100th issue! I was particularly gratified to see the thread of community philanthropy woven through so much of the content. I also applaud the space given to critical voices, both those critical …

Help! No-one understands my advocacy role

Regi 30 November 2021 For Subscribers

Dear Regi, I’ve been hired to do advocacy for my association of foundations, but no one really seems to understand that advocacy means speaking publicly and forcefully for or against a government policy to achieve …

Help! A foundation is not paying their invoices on time

Regi 30 November 2021 For Subscribers

Dear Regi, I work at a non-profit that has been providing a regular service for a foundation with an endowment in the multi-millions. Despite this, I can’t get them to pay their invoice in a …