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The trustee company – a valuable model?

Diana Leat 1 December 2010

Your last issue on philanthropic advice was, as usual, wide-ranging and thought-provoking. One omission was the trustee company model in Australia. These mostly for-profit companies manage billions of dollars for philanthropic purposes, including some of …

Growing impact

Kathleen Enright 1 September 2010

Pamela Hartigan’s article ‘Reflections on the meaning of “scale”’ lays forth a fundamental shift in thinking about social entrepreneurship with which I wholeheartedly agree. As a field we must shift the emphasis from growing organizations …

Scaling up for impact

Tim Joss 1 September 2010

Caroline Hartnell’s article in the June issue of Alliance on the Mott Foundation and scaling up (‘Life in the old model yet?’) set my mind whirring. Successful scaling up is hard to achieve and here …

Is more debt the answer?

Malcolm Hayday 1 September 2010

Clara Miller’s perspective (in her article in the June issue of Alliance) is an important wake-up call for the developing social finance market. Charity Bank’s experience is that her observations are not uniquely American. Debt …

A quiet revolution

Caroline Mason 1 September 2010

The Social Stock Exchange (see Mark Campanale’s article in the June issue of Alliance) is part of a rather quiet revolution that is taking root and growing apace. This revolution is the creation of an …

IDIS and Resource Alliance form new partnership to stimulate Brazilian NPOs

Alliance magazine 15 July 2010 For Subscribers

Helping Brazilian non-profit organizations to achieve financial sustainability is among the principal objects of a strategic alliance between the Institute for the Development of Social Investment (IDIS) in Brazil and Resource Alliance. Among other things, …

Social transformation, one child at a time

Zanele Sibanda 1 June 2010

As Chet Tchozewski points out in his article ‘Getting to Maybe’ in the March issue of Alliance, the real impact of a small grant may not always be immediately visible. It takes time for life-changing, …

Why continue the hero worship?

Pamela Hartigan 1 June 2010

Tommy Hutchinson’s article in the March issue of Alliance asks why we focus on the heroic entrepreneur. What about the people in the organizations they set up who are often instrumental to its success? Social …

Supporting the social economy worldwide?

Ben Metz 1 June 2010

European foundations have a long history of supporting knowledge exchange to further the social economy, in Europe and increasingly in other parts of the world.  A window of opportunity has now opened up to build …

Guidestar UK and Directory of Social Change to join forces

Alliance magazine 4 March 2010 For Subscribers

On 3 March the Directory of Social Change (DSC) and GuideStar International (GSI) announced that ownership of, the free public website, and GuideStar Data Services has been transferred from GSI to DSC. DSC is …