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Clarifications on the collaboration debate

Marc Pfitzer and Mike Stamp 1 June 2011

We read with interest your article ‘Reframing the collaboration debate’ in the March 2011 of Alliance magazine, which cited the paper we wrote with the European Foundation Centre, Multiplying Impact through Philanthropic Collaboration. We are …

Creating a shared norm for transparency

Lisa Jordan 1 June 2011

In the March issue of Alliance, among other things, Helmut Anheier suggests that European foundations should take accountability and transparency more seriously. These are challenging concepts right across Europe in every sector. Transparency and its …

Dr Anheier’s prescription

Mall Hellam 1 June 2011

‘Criticism fulfils the same function as pain in the human body. It calls attention to an unhealthy state of things,’ Winston Churchill once pointed out. Without a doubt, Helmut Anheier is right when he suggests …

Take the message to heart, but don’t get upset!

Bernhard Lorentz & Anne Rolvering 1 June 2011

European foundations don’t score well in Helmut Anheier’s deficit analysis, yet the points of criticism are not new nor should they come as much of a surprise. Overall, however, they are certainly sobering and can’t …

Funders for justice all?

Albert Ruesga 1 June 2011

I’m grateful for Jo Andrews’ very thoughtful opinion piece (‘Defining social justice philanthropy: spearing the sausage?’, Alliance March 2011) in which she challenges the notion that human rights funding is a subset of social justice …

‘I’m only a donor, but I’m studying to be a philanthropist’

Theresa Lloyd 1 March 2011

No doubt Paul Shoemaker intends to provoke in his article ‘Raising the bar for philanthropy’ (December 2010). Taking the bait … in the legal world, the client pays for legal services, so reputation and word …

Donor education is vital

Michael Alberg-Seberich 1 March 2011

Paul Shoemaker (December 2010) is right: we have to raise the bar for philanthropy. He is right that a crucial success factor for the quality of philanthropy is the philanthropists themselves. But donor education is …

Practising what we preach

Hilda Vega 1 December 2010

As an American working in the field of philanthropy advice and observing its evolution here, as well as in other regions of the world, I read the views of European philanthropic advisers in the latest …

Consultants are not enough

Charles Keidan 1 December 2010

Alliance is right to focus on the important role of intermediaries in the philanthropy sector but your emphasis on wealth advisers, private banks and other consultants may be misdirected. The most critical intermediaries to the …

When can Gerry Salole give up his keys?

Judith Symonds 1 December 2010

Alliance is to be commended for dedicating its September issue to philanthropy advice and for avoiding its being perceived as an ‘advertising supplement’. Despite a bit of subtle pitching by some, there were some important …