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Where do social media come in?

David Wilcox 1 March 2013

The excellent December magazine issue and breakfast club meeting highlighted the fact that in order to tackle big social issues we need cooperation across disciplines and sectors, and innovative collaborations. That means building networks, and …

Getting your non-dues

John Pepin 1 March 2013

The article ‘Worth the membership dues?’ in the last issue of Alliance rightly identifies the value of associations and points out that, without funding, these benefits are difficult to achieve. Relying solely on membership dues …

Plurality, purpose and partnership

Andrew Barnett 12 January 2013

The September special feature focusing on power was a pertinent contribution to the debate as to how we can maximize the beneficial impact of philanthropic interventions (and minimize any harm). There will be a variety …

European foundations missing the boat on data

Lester Salamon 1 December 2012

The special feature on the importance of data for the world’s philanthropic community in Alliance’s September 2012 issue comes none too soon. But, ironically enough, as Alliance readers were opening this special feature, Europe’s statistical …

Slow to jump on the data bandwagon?

Florence Miller 1 December 2012

We were delighted to see Alliance’s dedication to data in the last issue. At the UK-based Environmental Funders Network (EFN), we are committed to the idea that data can help drive effective philanthropy, focusing our …

Who are the real risk takers?

Carolyn Hayman 1 December 2012

Recent articles in Alliance, including Adrian Sargeant and Rob Garris’s  ‘Balancing risk and opportunity’ in the September issue, raise the question: who are the real risk takers in philanthropy – the people who are prepared …

Investing in the future we need

Alliance magazine 1 September 2012

Paul Woolley’s article in the June issue of Alliance does a good job reminding readers how most of the assets of foundations and pension funds continue to be managed on the premise of the now …

Expanding the gender conversation

Nicky McIntyre 1 September 2012

Thank you, Françoise, for opening up the ‘gender conversation’. At Mama Cash we agree with many of the points you make: gender analysis is not only about girls and women, and we need to be …

The best path to gender equality

Shalini Nataraj 1 September 2012

Françoise Pissart’s article in the June issue of Alliance touches on some very important issues that are critical to achieving gender equity and a just, sustainable world for all. I welcome this opportunity to discuss …

A new role for foundations in development?

Jay Naidoo 1 September 2012

Ten years of working at a global level has shown me the fault lines in the modern system of development assistance. The rush to seek single-issue solutions to complex problems fails to recognize or respond …