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A perplexing set of tensions

Phil Buchanan 1 September 2013

Nick Deychakiwsky is a great colleague and someone who has been supportive of the organization I lead in a variety of ways: as an adviser to me, a member of our advisory board in the …

The times they are a-changin’

Gerry Salole 1 September 2013

In Anthony Tomei’s brilliant piece on ‘Changing roles in a changing world’ in the June issue of Alliance, he makes the point, among others, that given the defining characteristic of foundations – their independence – their role …

A breakthrough on climate?

Michael Northrop 1 September 2013

There’s more carbon in the ground than we can safely burn if we hope to keep global warming below 2 degrees C. Bill McKibben at has done the math and taken it on the …

US foundations: aligned or segmented?

Bradford Smith 1 September 2013

Gerry Salole raises an interesting point about differences between the foundation sectors in Europe and the United States in the June issue of Alliance. The apparent ‘alignment’ in the US is due to the fact that it …

It’s the wrong answer

James Brooke Turner 1 June 2013

Buzz Schmidt and Clara Miller’s article about the F B Heron Foundation’s approach to mission investing requires support, both for what it says and also to push it further. They explain their frustration with the …

Why foundations should be responsible investors

Jackie Turpin 1 June 2013

I very much welcomed Catherine Howarth’s article on ‘why foundations should be shareholder activists’ (Alliance, March 2013). The Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust, a Quaker foundation, would probably regard itself as having been a responsible investor …

Strategic and networked?

Marc Pfitzer 1 March 2013

The special feature on ‘Networks and philanthropy’ in the December issue of Alliance was kicked off with a lively debate in London on 10 December on the question of whether philanthropy can be both networked …

Funding for innovation

Pier Mario Vello 1 March 2013

I read Caroline Hartnell’s editorial in the December issue of Alliance with the utmost interest, as well as Geoffrey West, Buzz Holling and Neal Hegarty’s contributions on the theme of funding for innovation. ‘Does the …

Shopping or investing?

Cliff Prior 1 March 2013

The December 2012 editorial quotes Mark Hecker of Reach Incorporated saying, ‘It has become commonplace for funders … to require “proof” before any money is provided …’ How true and, if taken too far, how …

Where do social media come in?

David Wilcox 1 March 2013

The excellent December magazine issue and breakfast club meeting highlighted the fact that in order to tackle big social issues we need cooperation across disciplines and sectors, and innovative collaborations. That means building networks, and …