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How can we help them realize their philanthropic aspirations?

Stephanie Fuerstner Gillis 1 March 2014

As advisers who work with donors across all generations, our experiences affirm much of what was written in Alliance’s feature on next gen donors. We are particularly inspired by the less proprietary, more social approach these …

The real issue: foundations’ lack of power

Pier Mario Vello 1 December 2013

Stephen Pittam’s article ‘The Power of Money’ (Alliance, 1 September) is intriguing and multifaceted. The few remarks I make here are more of a reinforcement of his arguments than an addition to them. In my view, inequality …

In defence of tax relief on donations to charity

Richard Ross 1 December 2013

Alliance is a magazine about philanthropy and Richard Murphy is entitled to his opinion that ‘rich people’ should not receive tax relief for making charitable donations. Tax relief has led my family to give disproportionately …

Delving deeper into power

Michele Fugiel Gartner 1 December 2013

My kudos to Alliance for taking on the topic of power and philanthropy. It’s not a topic that we often wade into very deeply, and, as Peter Buffett’s op-ed in the New York Times showed, …

Small Data: where the real action is

Larry McGill 1 December 2013

Big Data may be getting the lion’s share of attention these days, but Christopher Worman (September issue of Alliance) is absolutely right that Small Data is where the real action is as far as philanthropy is concerned. …

Why not support the world’s emerging community foundations?

Jenny Hodgson 1 December 2013

As the amount of international grantmaking by US community foundations increases (‘Community foundations as international grantmakers?’, September issue of Alliance), it would be interesting to know how much is being channelled to or through their …

Response to Matthew Bishop: Are public perceptions of philanthropists changing?

Melissa A Berman 1 September 2013

As Matthew Bishop astutely notes in his article in the June issue of Alliance, the political environment may alter how prominent philanthropists are perceived. In particular, rising income inequality could reshape attitudes toward philanthropists. The wealthiest …

The actual impact will be critical

Andre Degenszajn 1 September 2013

Looking at Brazil, one of the countries mentioned in Matthew Bishop’s insightful article, there are high expectations that a growing number of billionaires will lead to an expansion of philanthropy. But we should not expect that …

Working with community organizations

Peter Cafferkey 1 September 2013

As the profile of philanthropy by ultra high net worth individuals (UHNWIs) has increased in recent years, sparked by highly publicized initiatives like the Giving Pledge, it has also generated some scepticism about the motives …

The times they are a-changin’

Gerry Salole 1 September 2013

In Anthony Tomei’s brilliant piece on ‘Changing roles in a changing world’ in the June issue of Alliance, he makes the point, among others, that given the defining characteristic of foundations – their independence – their role …