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Make more philanthropy

Phillip Henderson 1 September 2015

I read Buzz Schimdt’s article, ‘Time for a new foundation for philanthropy’ (June issue) about foundation accountability with great interest.  As someone who leads a nearly century-old family foundation, I have wrestled with many of …

Philanthropy’s value? Independence

Anthony Tomei 1 September 2015

Buzz Schmidt describes a world in which foundations and their overpaid advisers conspire to maintain an untroubled life for the former and plentiful fees for the latter. While I agree that foundation accountability raises important …

Take advice from community funds

Rob Williamson 1 September 2015

Eric Berseth’s June 2015 article on philanthropy advice offered by banks provides a useful profile of this expanding marketplace. There is evidence of high demand for philanthropy advice among the wealthiest people, although 73 per …

Getting round the measurement dilemma

Oksana Oracheva 1 June 2015

As part of the special feature ‘Why should philanthropists fund the arts?’ in the March issue of Alliance, Michelle Coffey in her feature Weighing the imagination? and Barry Knight in his article Is access to art …

Why programme evaluation is crucial

Alessandra Valerio 1 June 2015

Writing in the March special feature, ‘Why should philanthropists fund the arts?’ Michelle Coffey expressed rebellion ‘against the idea of designing metrics to validate the impact of arts and social justice’. In the last years …

What about radical philanthropy?

Gina Anderson 1 June 2015

I read with interest the articles on why philanthropists should fund the arts in the March 2015 issue of Alliance. While I recognize that the discussion was focused on social justice and the arts, I …

Arts and impact investing

Gayle Peterson 1 June 2015

The March feature on the role and value of arts and culture in philanthropy was provocative and, for me, very timely. I have just finished directing the Oxford Impact Investing Programme where, for the first …

Who defines ‘transformation’?

Max Niedzwiecki 2 March 2015

Responses to Michele Fugiel Gartner and Daniel Overall, ‘The trouble with transformation creep’ ‘Whether interventions come through the lens of philanthropy, humanitarianism or economic development, we risk losing much by judging all social initiatives against …

Too little focus on systemic change

David Callahan 2 March 2015

Responses to Michele Fugiel Gartner and Daniel Overall, ‘The trouble with transformation creep’ ‘Whether interventions come through the lens of philanthropy, humanitarianism or economic development, we risk losing much by judging all social initiatives against …

Change is a messy business

Jenny Hodgson 2 March 2015

Responses to Michele Fugiel Gartner and Daniel Overall, ‘The trouble with transformation creep’ ‘Whether interventions come through the lens of philanthropy, humanitarianism or economic development, we risk losing much by judging all social initiatives against …