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Interview: Kirsten Hommelhoff, BDS Secretary-General

Andrew Milner 2 March 2021 For Subscribers

The secretary-general of the Bundesverband Deutscher Stiftungen (Association of German Foundations) talks to Andrew Milner about the need to give its extensive and very diverse membership the bread-and-butter-services they want while at the same time …

Interview: Elena Torresani, Hear the World Foundation

Zibran Choudhury 2 March 2021

The camera captures the joyous moment as a young girl is able to hear for the first time. Titled ‘Ha’s moment of lift: Hearing for the first time’, the image is in firstplace of five …

Inequality and infections: philanthropy must be a catalyst for changing power imbalances

Elika Roohi 5 January 2021

When UCL Professor Sarah Hawkes founded Global Health 50/50, she and co-founder Kent Buse were interested in understanding how the global health system performed against its professed commitments to gender equity. Hawkes wasn’t surprised to …

Funding when disaster strikes

Elika Roohi 8 December 2020

It’s been a year of unprecedented need, but also unprecedented giving. A report from the Center for Disaster Philanthropy and Candid analysing funding given in response to the Covid-19 pandemic during the first half of …

In pursuit of reciprocity: Speaking with Gerry Salole

Caroline Hartnell 1 December 2020

Former Alliance editor Caroline Hartnell first interviewed Gerry Salole 15 years ago, when he had just taken on the role of CEO at the European Foundation Centre (EFC). This interview comes at the end of …

Mental health, climate and disease: Wellcome Trust’s Director of Strategy on tackling our big health threats

Elika Roohi and Charles Keidan 10 November 2020

With an endowment of £26 billion, the UK’s Wellcome Trust is the fourth biggest foundation in the world. As one of the leading funders of global health, it has been at the forefront of efforts …

Interview: Steven Serneels, chair of EVPA

1 Andrew Milner 20 October 2020

There’s investing for impact and investing with impact. On the heels of the recently concluded EVPA annual conference, new chair Steven Serneels explains the distinction to Alliance and also outlines the Association’s convening role in …

Shloka Nath on climate, collaboration, and COVID-19

Andrew Milner 15 September 2020

One of the panellists as AVPN 2020 was Shloka Nath, Executive Director of the recently-formed India Climate Collaborative (ICC). As one of the conference themes was collaboration, she talks to Alliance about how ICC puts …

Interview: Angel Font

Alliance magazine 1 September 2020

It’s transition time at the European Foundation Centre (EFC) with the arrival of a new chair and a new Chief Executive, the first female in the role. Here the new chair Angel Font, corporate director …

Interview: Badr Jafar, Cambridge Centre for Strategic Philanthropy

1 Elika Roohi 7 July 2020

Last year, the fastest-growing economies were all in emerging markets. This current wave of globalisation, which is pushing economic power both southward and eastward, will have a profound effect on philanthropy, and we should consider …