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‘Community knows what community needs’: Sara Lomelin on giving circles

Elika Roohi 11 January 2022

Philanthropy Together launched in April of 2020, uniquely poised to harness the power of the collective at a moment when the collective was realising its power. CEO Sara Lomelin sat down with Alliance to talk …

Interview: Jeff Bradach, co-founder of The Bridgespan Group

Charles Keidan 30 November 2021

Jeff Bradach is co-founder of The Bridgespan Group, arguably among the world’s most influential non-profit and philanthropic advisory firms. Best known today for advising leading philanthropists, including Mackenzie Scott, on donating billions of philanthropic dollars, Bridgespan itself is branching out with over 300 members of staff and …

The climate philanthropy statesman

Elika Roohi 16 November 2021

GLASGOW – The Hewlett Foundation has traditionally been one of the biggest and longstanding funders in the climate philanthropy space, but this year they are asking their board to increase their budget by 40 per …

On the impact of air pollution: Speaking with the Clean Air Fund at COP26

Alliance magazine 16 November 2021

So far, air pollution has ranked low down the list of climate priorities. Elika Roohi and Charles Keidan met Jane Burston and Sean Maguire of the Clean Air Fund at COP26 in Glasgow and asked …

New currents: EFC Chief Executive Delphine Moralis on the sea-change in European philanthropy

Elika Roohi and Charles Keidan 12 October 2021

Last summer, the European Foundation Centre (EFC) announced a change in leadership. Long-time CEO Gerry Salole would be stepping down after 15 years and succeeding him would be Delphine Moralis – then the Secretary General …

African Visionary Fund: playing the game to change the game

4 Elika Roohi 6 July 2021

The African Visionary Fund – a pooled funder with support from King Baudouin Foundation’s U.S. arm, Segal Family Foundation, Skoll Foundation, and Tawingo Fund – launched in early 2020, almost simultaneously with the start of …

Neca Setubal puts Brazilian philanthropy in focus

Andrew Milner 1 June 2021

Fundacão Tide Setubal (FTS) has long experience of combatting racism in the suburbs of São Paulo. It’s a problem that has been ignored for too long by mainstream Brazilian society, but as Neca Setubal, chair …

Interview: Sara Tescione and Silea Pio di Savoia

Zibran Choudhury 1 June 2021

  Tereza, a 60-year-old woman who is blind and has mobility problems, is photographed in front of her hut in Hai Matara, a village in South Sudan which because of the civil war that has …

Interview: Alix Guerrier, CEO of GlobalGiving

Elika Roohi 13 April 2021

GlobalGiving is an organisation that focuses on a bottom-up approach to aid and supporting grassroots charitable projects. We wanted to understand how the crises of the last year – health, justice, political, environmental – changed …

Denis Mizne: supporting vaccination, education, and leadership in Brazil

Elika Roohi 16 March 2021

A year ago, the Lemann Foundation – a family foundation in Brazil that focuses on education and capacity-building – received an email from Oxford. It was proposing a partnership: would the Lemann Foundation help organise …