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Interview – Irina Khakamada

Alliance magazine 1 March 1999

What is the future of civil society in Russia after the financial collapse? Has a stifling Soviet bureaucracy simply been replaced by a new bureaucracy, with large companies and large NGOs clearly linked to the …

Interview – John Clark

Alliance magazine 1 December 1998

In 1992 John Clark moved from Oxfam headquarters in the UK to head the World Bank NGO Unit in Washington DC. Caroline Hartnell talked to him about the Unit’s work, and asked him whether it …

Interview – Kumi Naidoo: A new leader for CIVICUS

Alliance magazine 1 December 1998

Following a seven-month global search, Kumi Naidoo has been named Secretary General of CIVICUS: World Alliance for Citizen Participation. He will take up the post at the beginning of October. Kumi Naidoo comes to CIVICUS …

Interview – Geoffrey Bush

Alliance magazine 1 September 1998

On 17 December 1997 Grand Met and Guinness merged to form Diageo plc, one of the world’s leading consumer goods companies. But what effect do such mergers have on the companies’ community affairs programmes? Caroline …

Interview – Mwalimu Julius Nyerere

Alliance magazine 1 June 1998

In Africa peace, unity and people-centred development are inextricably linked. The newly established Mwalimu Nyerere Foundation will aim to promote dialogue in these areas. Caroline Hartnell talked to Mwalimu Nyerere about who would be involved …