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Interview – Will Day and Marcos Neto: Getting the best of both worlds?

Alliance magazine 1 December 2002

To date CARE International has had a fairly traditional structure of head offices in the north and country offices which are effectively sub-offices in developing countries.[1] All 11 of the northern CAREs are members of …

Interview – Barry Gaberman

Alliance magazine 1 December 2002

Behind one foundation’s small number of large grants to universities, research institutions and large, well-established NGOs and another foundation’s large number of small grants to smaller NGOs and community organizations lie a whole range of …

Interview – Sheela Patel, Sushma Raman and Mark Robinson: Negotiation among equals

Alliance magazine 1 September 2002

A major beneficiary of the Ford Foundation’s special 50th Anniversary in India $45 million grants round was the Mumbai-based SPARC (Society for the Promotion of Area Resource Centres). Typically the projects the Foundation supports focus …

Interview – Juraj Mesik

Alliance magazine 1 September 2002

As the director of the Ekopolis Foundation and the person largely responsible for introducing community foundations to Slovakia, Juraj Mesik has undoubtedly been a highly influential leader of the Slovak non-profit sector. Now he has …

Interview – Michael Brophy

Alliance magazine 1 June 2002

Michael Brophy is retiring from the UK-based Charities Aid Foundation this year after 20 years as CEO. The total funds coming into CAF for distribution to charities grew from £16 million a year to £250 …

Interview – Zoltan Toth: From investment to donation

Alliance magazine 1 June 2002

A venture capitalist working for global equity firm Advent International has recently joined NESsT’s Hungarian board. How did he get involved with NESsT and why is he interested in venture philanthropy? Alliance talked to Zoltán …

Interview – Bruce Sievers: From critic to board member

Alliance magazine 1 June 2002

How did someone who could almost be termed the ‘resident critic’[1] of venture philanthropy come to join the board of NESsT? Alliance talked to Bruce Sievers. According to Sievers, there are two aspects to this. …

Interview – Klaus Schwab

Alliance magazine 1 March 2002

Klaus Schwab, founder of the World Economic Forum and more recently of his own Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship, is the moving force behind the current Global Exchange for Social Investment (GEXSI) initiative. Clearly what …

Interview – Kumi Naidoo

Alliance magazine 1 December 2001

‘Kumi, I have to say to you that I struggle getting a hold on CIVICUS. It’s like an opaque, jelly-like entity – each time I think I’ve grabbed it and understood it, it slips out …

Interview – David Eisner

Alliance magazine 1 September 2001

What role should companies be playing in bridging the digital divide? This question seems particularly relevant to AOL Time Warner, described by David Eisner, Vice President of the AOL Time Warner Foundation, as ‘the premier …