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Interview – Manuel Arango

Alliance magazine 1 December 2004

Fifteen years ago, Mexican businessman Manuel Arango founded the Mexican Center for Philanthropy (CEMEFI) – now a large, thriving organization with 400 members. What inspired him to set up a civil society support organization, Caroline …

Interview – Rebecca Adamson

Alliance magazine 1 November 2004 For Subscribers

Most people assume that conservation groups work very closely with the Indigenous people whose land they aim to conserve and whose interests they often claim to represent. According to Rebecca Adamson, Founder and President of …

Interview – Peter Hero

Alliance magazine 1 October 2004 For Subscribers

A community foundation typically receives money from local donors and distributes it to local causes. In the case of Community Foundation Silicon Valley (CFSV), however, 35 per cent of its funds leave the region, with …

Interview – Kavita Ramdas

Alliance magazine 1 September 2004

What is feminist philanthropy, Caroline Hartnell asked Kavita Ramdas, President and CEO of the US-based Global Fund for Women. Feminist philanthropy, says Ramdas, must be willing to challenge the status quo, which underpins philanthropy as …

Interview – Gonzalo de la Maza

Alliance magazine 1 June 2004

The restoration of democracy to Chile in 1990 was good news for the country as a whole, but in Chilean civil society it provoked a crisis. It marked the withdrawal of donor funding from the …

Interview – Mayan Quebral

Alliance magazine 1 March 2004

On the face of it, Philippine civil society seems to be in good shape – strong enough to bring down governments and, through the Philippine Council for NGO Certification, a leader in civil society accountability. …

Paul Brest Interview

Alliance magazine 1 December 2003

As part of the process of evaluating how they’re doing with various programmes, the California-based Hewlett Foundation’s staff meets regularly to look at their ‘spectacular failures’ and ‘the least successful grant of the quarter’. Caroline …

Interview – Graca Machel

Alliance magazine 1 September 2003

Graça Machel sees strong, independent civil societies, including endowed foundations, as an essential part of the solution to Africa’s problems. Caroline Hartnell talked to her about how northern foundations can best support the growth of …

Interview – Buzz Schmidt: A public library for the non-profit sector?

Alliance magazine 1 June 2003

As reported in Alliance Bulletin (April 2003), GuideStar UK was launched on 24 March with a £2,885,000 grant from the British government. The aim: to provide more effective access to information about UK charities. How …

Interview – Eveline Herfkens and Roberto Bissio

Alliance magazine 1 March 2003

The UN Millennium Development Goals are commonly accepted as the framework for measuring development progress. What role did civil society play in their formulation, and what role can it play in implementation? Has civil society …