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Interview – Tex Gunning

Alliance magazine 1 September 2005

‘I don’t care if you think of it as an opportunity, a threat or an obligation, but do it,’ says Tex Gunning, President of Unilever Bestfoods Asia. He is talking about business engaging with poverty …

Interview – Oded Grajew

Alliance magazine 1 August 2005 For Subscribers

Although the Millennium Declaration was signed by world leaders in 2000, the Millennium Development Goals only really began to appear on Brazil’s agenda a few years later, in February 2004, when Oded Grajew, President of …

Interview – Lilia Shevtsova

Alliance magazine 1 July 2005 For Subscribers

The legacy of the past goes deep in Russia. Democratic practices and institutions have yet to take real root, hindered by the habits of mind of the Soviet era, by the weakness of political opposition …

Interview – Betty Murungi

Alliance magazine 1 June 2005

Urgent Action Fund-Africa was established in Kenya in August 2001. The basic aim: to support the work of women in Africa through rapid response grantmaking and unique initiatives that support women’s leadership in peace-building and …

Interview – Lord David Sainsbury: Confessions of a ‘hands-on’ donor

Alliance magazine 1 June 2005 For Subscribers

‘If you really want philanthropic giving to make an impact, it’s not just a question of signing cheques, you have to make a commitment of time and effort to make sure it really runs effectively,’ …

Interview – Brizio Biondi-Morra

Alliance magazine 1 May 2005 For Subscribers

The AVINA Foundation works in 14 countries in Latin America. One of its key aims is to strengthen the sustainability of its 1,600 partner organizations. How does it do this, Alliance asked AVINA President Brizio …

Interview – John Healy

Alliance magazine 1 April 2005 For Subscribers

Three years ago, in early 2002, a decision was made that The Atlantic Philanthropies would spend down their then almost $4 billion endowment over a period of 12-15 years. If a foundation is going to …

Interview – Fazle Hasan Abed

Alliance magazine 1 March 2005

Founded in 1972 to provide relief and rehabilitation to returning refugees after the war of independence from Pakistan, BRAC is now probably the world’s largest NGO, providing education, health services, microcredit and livelihood creation programmes …

Interview – Mathew Cherian, Alex Irwan and Andrew Harding

Alliance magazine 1 February 2005 For Subscribers

Money raised for tsunami victims should be going to indigenous charities rather than international agencies with costly overheads, argued freelance journalist Nick Cater in the Guardian newspaper on 11 January. Robin Le Mare of ActionAid …

Interview – Jerry Almeida

Alliance magazine 1 January 2005 For Subscribers

For the first 32 years of its existence, ActionAid India Society received its funds mainly from European branches of ActionAid, raised through child sponsorship. In March 2004, they started raising funds from individuals in India, …