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Interview – Emmett Carson

Alliance magazine 1 December 2005

In an inspiring keynote address to the Community Foundation Symposium in Berlin in December 2004, Emmett Carson, President of the US-based Minneapolis Foundation, called on community foundations the world over to ‘take the road less …

Interview – Steve Gunderson

Alliance magazine 1 December 2005

Why were you interested in becoming President of the Council on Foundations? With limited public resources, and need as great as ever, philanthropy is going to have to play a more important role. I felt …

Interview – Gerry Salole

Alliance magazine 1 December 2005

Why were you interested in the job of CEO at the European Foundation Centre? I believe there’s a moment now for European foundations to engage with citizens in a way that they haven’t done before …

Interview – Brian Wardrop

Alliance magazine 1 November 2005 For Subscribers

On 13 October, NESsT presented its third ‘Golden Egg Award’ for excellence in international venture philanthropy to Brian Wardrop of DBG Eastern Europe, a CEE-focused private equity firm with offices in Budapest, Bucharest, Prague and …

Interview – Bisi Adeleye-Fayemi

Alliance magazine 1 October 2005 For Subscribers

It has been a good year for the African Women’s Development Fund (AWDF). To mark its tenth anniversary this summer, the UK-based Sigrid Rausing Trust decided to give ten awards of £100,000 each to organizations …

Interview – Ezra Mbogori

Alliance magazine 1 September 2005

It’s become almost a commonplace to find fault with the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs): they are minimal in their ambitions; they are based disproportionately on the views of the North rather than the needs of …

Interview – Jeffrey Sachs

Alliance magazine 1 September 2005

The main focus of the UN Millennium Project’s report, Investing in Development, is on the role of governments and multilateral agencies in providing development aid to poor country governments. Is there a role for the …

Interview – Rien van Gendt

Alliance magazine 1 September 2005

Everybody’s talking about the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Resolutions, reports, declarations – rhetoric from all sides, including the foundation world. The European Foundation Centre (EFC), for one, has expressed its support for the MDGs on …

Interview – Mary Robinson and Heather Grady

Alliance magazine 1 September 2005

According to the Ethical Globalization Initiative (EGI), the private sector has a crucial role to play in eradicating world poverty and achieving the Millennium Development Goals. After all, the top 200 companies in the world …

Interview – Peggy Antrobus

1 Alliance magazine 1 September 2005

Peggy Antrobus’s initial response to the Millennium Development Goals was to dismiss them as ‘Major Distracting Gimmicks’. The women’s movement as a whole, she says, felt betrayed by them. Nevertheless, working with agencies (UN, governments …