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Interview – Uday Khemka

Alliance magazine 1 September 2007

Uday Khemka comes from an Indian family that has been in business for about 100 years. The Nand and Jeet Khemka Foundation’s mission has historically been nothing to do with climate change but has rather …

Interview – Gara LaMarche

Alliance magazine 1 August 2007

Gara LaMarche joined The Atlantic Philanthropies as President and CEO in April this year. As he prepares to guide Atlantic through the spend down of its endowment over the next ten years, Caroline Hartnell talked …

Interview – Pier Mario Vello

Alliance magazine 1 July 2007 For Subscribers

Fifteen months ago, Pier Mario Vello left his job as CEO of a supermarket chain in northern Italy to take up the job of Secretary-General of the Cariplo Foundation, one of the largest of Italy’s …

Interview – Agnès Binagwaho and Peter Piot

Alliance magazine 1 June 2007

The intersections and overlaps between the work of foundations, national governments and multilateral agencies are complex and often contentious. But, as Peter Laugharn of the Bernard van Leer Foundation found when he talked to Agnès …

Interview – Aaron Dorfman

Alliance magazine 1 May 2007 For Subscribers

Previously executive director and lead organizer of a non-profit working to promote social and economic justice, in February this year Aaron Dorfman joined the Washington DC-based National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy (NCRP) as executive director. …

Interview – Norine MacDonald

Alliance magazine 1 April 2007 For Subscribers

When funders talk about risk, they are usually referring to the risk that the money they put into a project may not have the effect they anticipated or may be wasted. But risk can refer …

Interview – Sarah Butler-Sloss

Alliance magazine 1 February 2007

Sarah Butler-Sloss is Executive Chair of the Ashden Trust, one of the Sainsbury Family Charitable Trusts, which she founded in the late 1980s. In 2001, she established the Ashden Awards for Sustainable Energy. What did …

Interview – Marissa Camacho-Reyes

Alliance magazine 1 January 2007 For Subscribers

Following its policy of rotating the Secretariat between different regions of the world, for the next four years WINGS (Worldwide Initiatives for Grantmaker Support) will be based in Manila. (For its first three years it …

Interview – Ingrid Srinath

Alliance magazine 1 December 2006

CRY India is a child rights organization, but in a country where an estimated one out of every 25 female foetuses is aborted – roughly 500,000 a year – and where Dalit children (children of …

Interview – Barry Gaberman

Alliance magazine 1 November 2006 For Subscribers

Barry Gaberman’s 35 years at the Ford Foundation represent an enormous amount of experience and expertise. What lessons can he distil from them to pass on to those who follow him? Caroline Hartnell talked to …