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Interview – Cathy and Peter Halstead

Alliance magazine 1 September 2010

Cathy and Peter Halstead have a team of eight people at Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors working with them. Having helped them think through the directions their philanthropy would take and the level of funding of their …

Interview – Peter Slater

Alliance magazine 1 September 2010

Peter Slater founded the Indo-China Starfish Foundation (ISF) in Cambodia with some friends in 2006. Despite having a demanding job as Deputy CEO of a specialized financial institution, he made time to set up and …

Interview – Mario Marconi

Alliance magazine 1 September 2010

What do banks offer in terms of philanthropy services and what are the benefits for both bank and client? Caroline Hartnell spoke to some of the leaders in this field: Mario Marconi at UBS, Mark …

Interview – Mark Evans

Alliance magazine 1 September 2010

What do banks offer in terms of philanthropy services and what are the benefits for both bank and client? Caroline Hartnell spoke to some of the leaders in this field: Mario Marconi at UBS, Mark …

Interview – Philippe Depoorter

Alliance magazine 1 September 2010

What do banks offer in terms of philanthropy services and what are the benefits for both bank and client? Caroline Hartnell spoke to some of the leaders in this field: Mario Marconi at UBS, Mark …

Interview – Nathalie Sauvanet

Alliance magazine 1 September 2010

What do banks offer in terms of philanthropy services and what are the benefits for both bank and client? Caroline Hartnell spoke to some of the leaders in this field: Mario Marconi at UBS, Mark …

Interview – Nat Sloane

Alliance magazine 1 August 2010

Venture philanthropy funds typically work intensively with a handful of organizations. While the approach has yielded good results for the organizations in question, the wider impact is necessarily limited. Impetus Trust, one of the first …

Interview – Jed Emerson

Alliance magazine 1 July 2010

Written following the closing of Uhuru Capital Management around six months ago, Jed Emerson’s recent paper Beyond Good Versus Evil has attracted unexpected criticism from those supportive of his previous work. Why is this, Caroline …

Entrevista – Jeff Raikes

Alliance magazine 1 July 2010 For Subscribers

Jeff Raikes ha sido Director Ejecutivo de la Fundación Bill & Melinda Gates durante un poco más de 18 meses. Él asumió el puesto en septiembre de 2008, después de 27 años con Microsoft. Caroline …

Interview – Niklas Zennström

Alliance magazine 1 June 2010

Niklas Zennström, along with his partner Janus Friis, founded Skype in 2003; sold to eBay in 2005, Skype is now used by millions of people the world over. What were the most important lessons he …