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Interview – Rien van Gendt

Charles Keidan 2 February 2016

The Long View Fewer people are better placed than Rien Van Gendt to give an informed perspective on where philanthropy has been and where it is going. Not only is he a veteran of European …

Interview: teenage panellists deciding on $1 million funding

Paula Park 1 December 2015

With around $1 million in resources raised to build girl‑driven organizations, the With and For Girls Collective asked panels of teenaged girls to decide which organizations to support under its global awards programme. To do so, …

Interview with Muhammad Yunus

Paula Park 15 September 2015

Pioneering anti-poverty practitioner and Nobel Prize laureate Muhammad Yunus spells out his vision for eradicating poverty.  His message comes as world governments, donors and NGOs meet this month to finalise an agreement on global Sustainable …

Interview with Hilary Pennington

Caroline Hartnell 1 September 2015

There are changes afoot at the Ford Foundation with a new philanthropy programme. Darren Walker, Ford Foundation president, announced a new focus on inequality and a commitment to provide more general operating support, in a …

Interview with Doug Miller

Caroline Hartnell 1 September 2015

Ten years ago Doug Miller and four of his private equity industry colleagues founded the European Venture Philanthropy Association (EVPA) to stimulate the growth of venture philanthropy in Europe. Three years ago, he created the …

Interview with Ellen Dorsey of the Wallace Global Fund

3 Caroline Hartnell 3 August 2015

The Wallace Global Fund has been spearheading the burgeoning divest-invest philanthropy movement, which encourages foundations to divest from fossil fuels assets and invest instead in renewables. Executive director Ellen Dorsey is more optimistic than she …

Interview with Sergio Urbani of the Cariplo Foundation

Caroline Hartnell 1 July 2015

The untimely death of Pier Mario Vello has brought Sergio Urbani to the head of Italy’s Cariplo Foundation. While he has no intention of trying to fill the very considerable shoes of his illustrious predecessor, …

Interview with Michael Feigelson

1 Caroline Hartnell 1 June 2015

‘I would like to have a few examples where we have really seen an impact at scale.’ Michael Feigelson is the new executive director of the Bernard van Leer Foundation (BvLF), but he’s not new …

Interview with Bill Drayton

Caroline Hartnell 19 May 2015

Bill Drayton founded Ashoka: Innovators for the Public 34 years ago. In the intervening years, the pace of change has accelerated rapidly, producing what he describes as a society based on innovation, rather than repetition. …

Interview with Laurence Lien

1 Caroline Hartnell 1 May 2015

The figure of Laurence Lien looms large in the philanthropy landscape of Singapore. In addition to chairing the Lien Foundation, he is also chair of the Community Foundation of Singapore, former CEO of the National …