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Interview: Massimo Lapucci of Fondazione CRT

Alliance magazine 4 July 2017

The European Foundation Centre (EFC) has a new chair, Massimo Lapucci, currently Secretary General of Fondazione CRT in Italy. Since the focus of Fondazione CRT is in the north-western region of Italy, it’s striking that he’s become …

Interview: Manuel Arango

Alliance magazine 30 May 2017

As the interview he gave to Alliance in 2004 illustrates, Mexican philanthropist Manuel Arango is a long-time champion of philanthropy and civil society. Thirty years ago, he founded the Mexican Centre for Philanthropy (CEMEFI) and …

Interview: Brendan Cox

Alliance magazine 30 May 2017

In June last year, just before the Brexit vote, UK Member of Parliament Jo Cox was murdered, becoming the victim of the sort of hate crime she was campaigning against. Her husband Brendan, who himself …

Interview: Ewa Kulik-Bielińska of the Stefan Batory Foundation

1 Alliance magazine 23 May 2017

In a country where democracy appears to be on the ropes, what can philanthropy do to retrieve the situation and what can solidarity with one’s peers in that country achieve? Ewa Kulik-Bielińska, Director of the …

Interview: Ananthapadmanabhan Guruswamy, Azim Premji Philanthropic Initiatives

1 Alliance magazine 16 May 2017

Reform or change? Is philanthropy about changing the social and economic system or trying to reconcile people to it through palliative measures? Ananthapadmanabhan Guruswamy is the Chief Executive Officer of Azim Premji Philanthropic Initiatives (APPI) …

Interview: Thomas Paulsen of the Körber Foundation, Germany

2 Alliance magazine 9 May 2017

Thomas Paulsen is a member of the executive board of Hamburg-based Körber Foundation, one of Germany’s largest philanthropic foundations. Ahead of a major gathering of German foundations in Osnabrück next week, Paulsen tells Charles Keidan …

Interview: GiveIndia founder Venkat Krishnan

Caroline Hartnell 25 April 2017

Daan Utsav started in 2009 as Joy of Giving Week. Since then it has gone from strength to strength, with millions getting involved, largely in volunteering and informal giving. Could this develop into more formal, …

Interview: José María Arias Mosquera  

Alliance magazine 7 March 2017

As part of its 50th anniversary celebrations, Fundación Barrié hosted the 6th Conference of the Association of Spanish Foundations and the first International Communications Day on Philanthropy in La Coruña in late 2016. Its president, …

Interview: Stephan Chambers of the Marshall Institute, LSE

Alliance magazine 21 February 2017

Stephan Chambers is the recently appointed director of the Marshall Institute for Philanthropy and Social Entrepreneurship at the London School of Economics (LSE). He talks to Alliance editor, Charles Keidan* about the Institute’s aim to …

Interview: Benjamin Bellegy of WINGS

Alliance magazine 31 January 2017

Benjamin Bellegy, the new CEO of philanthropy infrastructure organization WINGS, is a French national living in Brazil. This is emblematic of the breadth of experience he brings to the role. Working previously for NGOs and …