Alliance Inclusion Fund

We want to open and broaden the philanthropy conversation. That means taking active steps to include, welcome and amplify previously excluded voices.

Our externally led EDI audit in 2023 identified two key barriers to achieving this goal: 

  • It’s not easily financially viable to contribute to global philanthropy conversations when you working at front line or grassroots organisations. 
  • It’s harder to submit articles to an English language publication when you have a mother tongue other than English. That has a deterrent effect for anyone wishing to contribute in a language other than English. 

The goal of the inclusion fund…

is to overcome these financial and language barriers by supporting and incentivizing contributions from front line or grassroots organisations and those who do not speak English or have it as a first language.  

The fund will do two things: 

  • Pay writers directly for their articles and/or pay the organisations at which those writers are based in recognition of their time and expertise. 
  • Provide an option to submit an article in their own language with Alliance handling and paying for translation supported by supplying submission guidelines in local languages wherever possible

Qualifying criteria 

Our Inclusion Fund will consider support contributions from applicants who meet one or more of the following criteria: 

  • Grassroots organisations with an annual budget of less than $250,000 including those who haven’t written for Alliance magazine before 
  • Identify as an organisation whose vision and mission focuses on advancing the development of grassroots movements or causes 
  • Individual practitioners who predominantly write in a language other than English

How to apply

Complete the short form below and attach your article or the idea for your article for the editors.

  • Max. file size: 8 MB.