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Special features

Brazil: Creating a more diverse sector

Fernando Rossetti and Cindy Lessa 1 December 2005

Great changes have taken place in Brazilian philanthropy – or private social investment, as it has recently come to be called in Brazil – since the establishment of democracy in the mid 1980s. It may …

Central Europe: Rediscovery and reinvention

Vera Dakova 1 December 2005

The future of philanthropy in Central Europe is bright, as was its past. Though reconnecting to the rich philanthropic culture of the past and securing its future has been a daunting task for many leaders …

Russia: A ‘weapon’ that we need

Vadim Samodorov 1 December 2005

‘Give us 20 quiet years and you will not recognize Russia.’ Peter Stolypin (Head of Russian Government,1907-1911) From a standing start – there was no philanthropy in Russia 20 years ago – the notion has …

A funder’s perspective

Barbara Kibbe 1 December 2005

It was 1998 and, with the approaching millennium, hard to resist speculating about the future. The dot com bubble was far from bursting and there had as yet been no acts of terrorism on American …

Fair Trade: Can it really change the world?

Alex Nicholls 1 September 2005

In recent years, Fair Trade has emerged as a powerful symbol of the trade justice movement. Engaging consumers and activists alike, it appears to offer a new model of production and distribution that is both …

Case study: Philippine Business for Social Progress – More than wishful thinking

Alliance magazine 1 September 2005

According to the second Philippines Progress Report on the Millennium Development Goals, only a third of the Philippine population now remains below the poverty threshold. The number is still large, but in 1990 almost half …

Case study: The Ethos Institute – Bringing the Goals to Brazil

Alliance magazine 1 September 2005

Many contributors to this issue of Alliance have stressed the need for the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) to be translated into local terms; others have spoken of the need for the business sector to be …

All paths lead to BOP

Jeb Brugmann 1 September 2005

While the media and public discourse has been accentuating the divide between the private sector and civil society, the trend in practice has been towards convergence. NGOs and communities are now more enterprising, while business …

Case study: UNDP’s Growing Sustainable Business Initiative – From policies to action

1 Alliance magazine 1 September 2005

Widespread poverty reduction can be achieved only by improving access for the world’s most impoverished people to the goods and services they need, as well as by creating employment opportunities. Business investment in developing countries …

Case study: UN Foundation – Fighting malaria together

Alliance magazine 1 September 2005

150,000 people die each month from malaria, despite the fact that the solutions to stop the disease – long-lasting anti-malarial bed nets, new drug therapies, spraying, and education – are both known and affordable. Clearly, …