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New philanthropists in South Africa – A way to go

Yvonne Morgan 1 March 2007

South Africa has a sound and expanding economy and, like Brazil, a huge income disparity between rich and poor. It also has an official policy of Black Economic Empowerment (BEE) which has led to an …

New philanthropists in Turkey – More than a matter of style

Filiz Bikmen 1 March 2007

New directions in philanthropy are not just an American phenomenon. New generations of philanthropists in emerging markets are seeking initiatives with greater engagement. At first glance it seems that these philanthropists share many characteristics in …

New philanthropists in Brazil – Committed to change

Carla Duprat 1 March 2007

Over the last 30 or so years Brazil’s population has more than doubled from 90 million in 1970 to over 186 million in 2006. While stable but slow economic growth has permitted some social advances, …

New philanthropists in Europe – Following the ‘Gates approach’?

Felicitas von Peter 1 March 2007

In the philanthropic calendar, 2006 will probably be remembered as the year when Warren Buffett opened the Gates to an ‘era of new philanthropy’. The donation itself as well as the resulting size and importance …

The stellar rise of the new philanthropic intermediary

Cathy Pharoah 1 March 2007

Undeniably the rapid rise of a new and innovative breed of intermediaries is driving the recent rapid growth in the social investment or ‘philanthrocapitalist’ movement. These are agencies such as Venture Philanthropy Partners, Impetus, New …

Needed: healthy competition in the global philanthropy market

Matthew Bishop 1 March 2007

As the Italian Marxist Antonio Gramsci told his fellow revolutionaries, to understand capitalism you need to look at its most advanced form, which in his time was the America of Henry Ford. This edition of …

Indigenous peoples and philanthropy – Colonialism by other means?

Rebecca Adamson 1 December 2006

The donor-indigenous peoples landscape is a jumble of different types of organization that support indigenous causes, but they all have one thing in common: they do not understand how indigenous people think, how they make …

The power of the chequebook

David Gold 1 December 2006

‘Over the last three or four years,’ says David Gold of A Glimmer of Hope, ‘I’ve become more and more aware of the power we have just because we have a chequebook.’ Many funders will …

Where do the new ideas come from?

Andrew Milner 1 December 2006

All foundations, sooner or later, must face the issue of how to avoid becoming too set in their ways, too fixed in the same views about the same areas of work – with the same …

Learning visit or invasion?

Caroline Hartnell 1 December 2006

‘I liked it because it wasn’t a straight in, straight out visit. We really got an idea of how people lived, and the whole village welcomed us.’ ‘I was impressed that people in the village …