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CSR still uncharted territory for most Argentine companies

Carolina Langan 1 June 2007

Although corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a concept that is on the increase in Argentina, it is still little known in Argentine society generally and few companies have begun to act seriously upon it. CSR …

How can we do better?

Peter Laugharn 1 June 2007 For Subscribers

The world is facing urgent and complex problems which are global in their nature and thus beyond the capability of national governments to solve alone. How can foundations contribute to solving these problems? In both …

Elevator speeches

Alliance magazine 1 June 2007

Kumi Naidoo  Elevator speech to Bill Gates To make a real and sustained difference, one must address the underlying causes of poverty and not only its symptoms. Service delivery alleviates only some of the effects …

Going global, how and why?

Sarah Lock 1 June 2007

For many UK foundations, funding work in developing countries presents a dilemma. On the one hand, the potential benefits are great: the needs are huge and grants that are modest by UK standards can make …

Cooperation between foundations and bilateral aid agencies – Still not completely natural?

Andrew Milner 1 June 2007

Government aid agencies and foundations are very different institutions and command very different kinds and levels of resources – the Gates Foundation being the exception rather than the rule – and they naturally approach development …

Supporting civil society – a dogma for our time?

Luc Tayart de Borms 1 June 2007

As today’s foundation leaders grapple with how to effect meaningful change, they must answer two questions: what are the best means to pursue and who are the most effective agents of the change they seek? …

Hard lessons for economic development

Andrés Thompson 1 June 2007

While foundations around the world have had some real achievements in building ‘social capital’, they cannot make the kinds of investments in marginalized communities that will allow them to become economically self-sustaining. Bottom-up foundation-funded economic …

Principles of accountability for international philanthropy – Obedience to the unenforceable?

Rob Buchanan and Sevdalina Rukanova 1 June 2007

International philanthropy is growing rapidly in both Europe and the US, along with other forms of cross-border cooperation. Both new and experienced international funders are increasingly looking for guidance on how to ensure that their …

Voices from the South

Ceri Oliver-Evans 1 June 2007

In February 2006, a total of 40 participants comprising members of the EFC-COF Joint Working Group, foundations, grantees and partners from throughout Africa came together in Cape Town to discuss the draft principles proposed by …

Philanthropy or foolanthropy? Making global philanthropy effective

Kumi Naidoo 1 June 2007

The world is becoming increasingly unequal, divided between religions and regions, and environmentally unsustainable. The philanthropic community has the potential to play a key role in fostering greater equity and greater justice – a world …