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Divine beings and mercenaries

Andrew Milner 1 December 2007

Funders are generally agreed that more and better evaluations of funded projects would be a good thing. They would help in assessing the impact of projects and, consequently, in judging whether donors are spending money …

The risk business

Andrew Milner 1 December 2007

Donors work in a context where it’s often impossible to measure success in numerical terms, and where assessing impact at all can be problematic. Taking risks is intrinsic to grantmaking. But if the outcomes of …

Intelligent giving? Putting transparency first

Alliance magazine 1 December 2007

Intelligent Giving evaluates the transparency of the 500 best-known charities in England and Wales and lists the results on its website at The resulting profiles are presented in a populist style to make them …

International Initiative for Impact Evaluation (3IE) – Beyond good intentions

Ruth Levine and Bill Savedoff 1 December 2007

Those who fund and implement aid programmes have a poor record of funding impact evaluations in order to learn what works and what doesn’t. Much more will be needed if aid programmes are going to …

An unprecedented climate of change

Daniel L Doctoroff 1 September 2007

At a time when Washington has avoided taking the lead on addressing critical environmental challenges, states and local governments have stepped up to fill the void. PlaNYC, New York City’s ambitious effort to transform our …

Winning the battle in cities….

Nicky Gavron 1 September 2007

The Mayor and I have made tackling climate change our overriding political imperative. Half of humanity lives in cities, and by 2030 two thirds will do so. Already, urban areas consume 75 per cent of …

Supporting local initiatives

Michelle Wyman 1 September 2007

Local governments around the world have laid the foundation for successful, collective action on the climate front. They have crafted solutions – whether it’s installing more energy-efficient lighting, retrofitting buildings, or adding hybrid vehicles to …

A huge return on investment

Tom Peterson 1 September 2007

When the history of the US response to climate change is written, a large chapter will have to be devoted to the crucial role played by the philanthropic community to support advance solutions. One way …

From climate action to green economy

Jane Gray 1 September 2007

The Province of Manitoba, Canada has very cold winters and very hot summers with landscapes ranging from prairie and farmland in the south to boreal forest and lakes in the central region, and tundra in …

Capping carbon at source

Peter Barnes 1 September 2007

If we are to succeed in tackling global warming, one of the first questions climate policymakers must consider is where to place the cap on carbon. An ‘upstream’ or ‘economy-wide’ cap, as advocated in this …