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Special features

Foundations: a few good reasons

Joel Fleishman 1 April 2008

Almost everyone who thinks and writes about the role of foundations in America highlights foundation support for innovative solutions to society’s problems as the most important way foundations serve society. The examples of foundation facilitation …

Private foundations: improving the eco-environment of China’s NGOs

Xu Yongguang 1 April 2008

In 2004, the Chinese government enacted a Regulation on Foundation Administration which allows individuals, including foreigners, to establish private foundations with their own capital contributions. The People’s Daily, the organ of the Central Committee of …

Philanthropic peace and beyond

Marco Demarie 1 April 2008

From the perspective of Europe the picture is very clear. The same appears to be true in much of the so-called developing world. Promising signs are to be seen in China, and Russia, too, seems …

What other association leaders said…

Alliance magazine 1 April 2008

Alliance asked a group of association leaders from different parts of the world to respond to Steve Gunderson’s interview and the idea of holding an all-embracing Philanthropy Summit. This is what they said. Gerry Salole  …

A more humble philanthropy?

William Schambra 1 April 2008

One may applaud all the philanthropic accomplishments listed by Joel Fleishman, yet still come away wondering: ‘Is that all there is?’ Public radio, the 911 emergency response system, and so forth are all worthy achievements. …

Could the Council on Foundations do more…

1 April 2008

Two Alliance editorial board members, Atallah Kuttab and Marcos Kisil, had issues they wanted to raise with Steve Gunderson, following his interview for Alliance. Atallah Kuttab 9/11 has brought US Government regulations to curb giving …

Composite logic model to aid evaluation of advocacy campaigns

Alliance magazine 1 December 2007

Theories of change and logic models are now part of mainstream evaluation practice in most fields. Advocacy campaigns, too, could benefit greatly from their use in evaluations, since they can show how advocacy tactics connect …

Divine beings and mercenaries

Andrew Milner 1 December 2007

Funders are generally agreed that more and better evaluations of funded projects would be a good thing. They would help in assessing the impact of projects and, consequently, in judging whether donors are spending money …

The risk business

Andrew Milner 1 December 2007

Donors work in a context where it’s often impossible to measure success in numerical terms, and where assessing impact at all can be problematic. Taking risks is intrinsic to grantmaking. But if the outcomes of …

Intelligent giving? Putting transparency first

Alliance magazine 1 December 2007

Intelligent Giving evaluates the transparency of the 500 best-known charities in England and Wales and lists the results on its website at The resulting profiles are presented in a populist style to make them …