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Reflexiones acerca del significado de ‘masificar’

Pamela Hartigan 1 July 2010 For Subscribers

En una mirada retrospectiva a los más de 20 años de trabajo con emprendedores sociales y sus organizaciones, yo a menudo me pregunto cómo integré el concepto de que éxito significaba que el emprendedor o …

¿La vida sigue con un modelo en desuso?

Caroline Hartnell 1 July 2010 For Subscribers

Cuando un programa debe masificarse, el clásico modelo de las fundaciones de pilotar iniciativas y luego persuadir a los gobiernos para que las adopten ¿es un modelo caduco y anacrónico? No, si la Fundación Charles …

Alianza con un movimiento social como estrategia para el avance

Oscar Fergutz 1 July 2010 For Subscribers

Para millones de personas, reciclar residuos de la calle representa la opción última y desesperada para sobrevivir de un trabajo y no de la limosna. Los recicladores se ganan la vida a partir de la …

Gobernar la economía de la biosfera

Alejandro Litovsky 1 July 2010 For Subscribers

En 1492 Cristóbal Colón desembarcó en lo que pensaba que eran las costas de la India, pero había descubierto un nuevo continente. El ‘negocio’ que él presentó para atraer financiamiento se basó en un grueso …

VisionSpring and BRAC: scale through partnership

Alliance magazine 1 June 2010

VisionSpring’s founding idea is that putting local women in business could be a scalable, sustainable way to bring affordable glasses to the millions of impoverished people across the developing world in need of eyecare. Its …

Life in the old model yet?

Caroline Hartnell 1 June 2010

When it comes to scaling up a programme, is the classic foundation model of piloting initiatives then persuading government to adopt them an outmoded one? Not if the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation is anything to …

Femina HIP – 10 years to reach 10 million

Minou Fuglesang 1 June 2010

Femina HIP, the citizen media initiative, started as a small project in Tanzania in 1999. By 2010, Femina had become the country’s biggest ‘citizen’ media platform, and a significant shaper of contemporary culture and values, …

Tackling the Agent Orange legacy in Vietnam

Charles Bailey 1 June 2010

Every war leaves behind deep scars, on the bodies and minds of soldiers and civilians alike, and on the lands that were turned into battlefields. In the case of the Vietnam War, few scars have …

Sustainable public transport for all

Nancy Kete 1 June 2010

Founded in 2001, with an initial investment from the Shell Foundation, EMBARQ – the World Resources Institute Center for Sustainable Transport aims to catalyse environmentally and financially sustainable solutions to pollution, traffic congestion and other …

Reflections on the meaning of ‘scale’

Pamela Hartigan 1 June 2010

As I look back over 20-plus years of work with social entrepreneurs and their organizations, I often wonder where I got sidetracked into thinking that success meant the entrepreneur scaling up his or her venture …