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Special features

Case study: Greenlight Planet – Featuring an interview with Anish Thakkar

Alliance magazine 1 June 2011

Greenlight Planet is not short on ambition: their aim is to see kerosene lamps entirely replaced by solar lights. But their ideas about what is needed in the way of lighting and how best to …

Challenges for entrepreneurs

Caroline Hartnell 1 June 2011

What are the main challenges for social entrepreneurs working on clean energy in India as they try to scale up their operations? One is clearly access to funding, though this seems to vary a lot …

Bihar’s energy funding ecosystem

Simon Desjardins 1 June 2011

Who is investing in the decentralized energy sector in Bihar and who could be investing here? I’ve tried to answer this by mapping the funding ecosystem based on stakeholders that we know. The stakeholders shown …

The role of government

Caroline Hartnell 1 June 2011

Government has a major role to play in ensuring access to energy and lighting throughout India. At the national level, the government of India is officially committed to ensuring that every household in India has …

Challenges for investors

Caroline Hartnell 1 June 2011

Investors wanting to invest in access to energy in India face many challenges, including the lack of an easy exit, the need for ‘patience’ and the lack of transparency. But perhaps the biggest challenge is …

Energy access and development: how are they connected?

Caroline Hartnell 1 June 2011

This special feature has focused on attempts to meet the massive energy deficit in Bihar. The aim has been to throw light on the limited number of entrepreneurs and funders that are working on the …

Opportunities for funders

Simon Desjardins 1 June 2011

There are currently many opportunities for donors and impact investors alike to support small and growing energy businesses in Bihar. For impact investors, providing scale-up funding to organizations with an established track record is one …

The vision – energy as a catalyst

Simon Desjardins 1 June 2011

We’ve heard in this issue of Alliance from some of the key stakeholders working on scalable ways to provide energy in Bihar. But what does the future of decentralized energy provision in this state look …

List of those interviewed

Alliance magazine 1 June 2011

Alliance would like to thank the following people, all of whom we spoke to in relation to the special feature on ‘Electrifying Bihar’ Keith Allman Investment manager, Bamboo Finance, Switzerland Pejman Altafi Investment manager, Voxtra, …

Biodiverse collaborations in international development

Peter Laugharn 1 March 2011

Foundation leaders talk a lot about collaboration within philanthropy. While these ‘in the family’ partnerships can be very valuable, I would argue that the most important collaborations are with other types of organization. I’d like …