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Special features

Should there be limits to the realm of markets?

Martin Brookes 1 June 2014

My financial adviser rang me last week to offer me the chance to invest in a new bond issued by the British children’s charity Barnardo’s. The charity is raising money to fund its work helping …

Is making social investment mainstream the ultimate goal?

Jane Newman and Hannah Goldie 1 June 2014

Should we strive for a utopia, where mainstream investment recognizes and absorbs ‘social investment’, and becomes the main way the finance needs of frontline organizations are met? Keen observers could be forgiven for thinking that …

The women effect

1 Suzanne Biegel 1 June 2014

Try this exercise. When you think ‘women’ and ‘investing’ what do you think about? This piece is going to ask you to think about the ‘women effect’ as a factor across multiple dimensions where ‘women …

Greasing the wheels

Luther Ragin Jr 1 June 2014

As the term ‘impact investing’ has gained prominence over the last five years, many have assumed that it describes a new approach to investing. In fact, some investors have long sought to generate positive social …

Carrying on the conversation

Harvey Koh 1 June 2014

When we wrote Beyond the Pioneer, we said that we intended for it to begin an important conversation about how we should best use market-based solutions for social impact. We are thrilled to see that …

Bringing grantmaking in from the cold

Barry Knight and Jenny Hodgson 1 March 2014

Increasingly, the practice of grantmaking as a tool for bringing about social change has fallen out of favour, replaced by newer, snappier-sounding forms of philanthropy. In laying out their wares, venture philanthropy, strategic philanthropy, philanthrocapitalism …

Why grantmaking matters

Helena Monteiro 1 March 2014

WINGS – Worldwide Initiatives for Grantmaker Support – is a global network of more than 140 support organizations serving philanthropy. Grantmaking and grantmakers are at the root of our network. WINGS’ beginnings go back to …

Philanthropy in Brazil: a potential game-changer?

Andre Degenszajn 1 March 2014

Philanthropy in Brazil has yet to match the diversity of its culture and civil society. It has avoided an active political role and been limited in terms of its investment strategies. The corporate foundations that …

Catalytic philanthropy: a breakthrough model?

Andrew Kingman 1 March 2014

In a Stanford Social Innovation Review article published in 2009,[1] Mark Kramer summed up conventional philanthropy as a process of deciding how much money to give to which non-profit – the basic transaction involved in …

A global take on grantmaking

Helena Monteiro and Ana Pinho 1 March 2014

For this special issue of Alliance magazine, WINGS surveyed its network participants[1] from every region around the world to better understand the views of membership associations and support organizations on the importance of grantmaking. Such …