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Special features

Non-partisan but not impartial: The example of Robert Bosch Stiftung

Henry Alt-Haaker and Susanne Zels 5 December 2023

Philanthropy can provide the financial support and convening clout to ensure that civil society interests are properly represented in the policy sphere Civil society interests are important in policy-making processes and are often under-represented because …

Understanding SDG-speak: Half-empty or half-full?

Andrew Milner 5 September 2023

The SDGs continue to attract negative and positive commentary in almost equal measure The SDGs suffer from a problem of scale – or rather of how to mesh two scales, the grand and the miniature. …

Peer dialogue: SDG progress is a city affair

Rodrigo Villar and María Fernanda Cortes 5 September 2023 For Subscribers

María Fernanda Cortes is the technical coordinator of the Red de Ciudades Cómo Vamos in Colombia, an initiative supported by the Corona Foundation. Here she talks to guest editor Rodrigo Villar about the development of …

The SDG toolkit

Alondra Arellano 5 September 2023 For Subscribers

A series of innovative tools are at hand to assist philanthropic organisations in their quest to help build a sustainable future Entering the SDG framework is not always easy, and can leave foundations and other …

Little by little in Africa… might just do the trick on SDGs

Lisa-Anne Julien 5 September 2023 For Subscribers

Community philanthropy can help African countries make progress towards meeting the SDGs. And why should their example not be replicated on other continents? Enlisting philanthropy to help countries make progress on the SDGs is nothing …

Chew the SDGs with caution

Hardi Yakubu 5 September 2023 For Subscribers

Without systems change, localisation cannot salvage the SDG A new report issued this year by the UN says: ‘At this midpoint on our way to 2030, the Sustainable Development Goals are in trouble.’ The report …

Mixed reactions to the SDGs from Africa

Alliance magazine 5 September 2023 For Subscribers

Alliance asked a number of African organisations how the SDGs inform their work and how useful they found them as a means of determining their own priorities. Here are the responses, in their own words …

A blueprint for peace and prosperity

Ashif Shaikh 5 September 2023 For Subscribers

Jan Sahas, a community and survivor-centric NPO working across India has embraced the SDGs not because it has been forced to by donor demands, but because they are proving a useful way to organise and …

SDGs are more than rhetoric

Alberto Anfossi and Marco Demarie 5 September 2023 For Subscribers

The concrete results of the SDGs may be disappointing, but they remain an important attempt to align disparate development attempts around a set of common aims Summing up the analysis of over 3,000 studies of …

SDG-speak in our own backyards

Anthony Pipa 5 September 2023 For Subscribers

How are high-income countries falling short on the SDGs? The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) demonstrate that economic prowess is not a guarantee of success. Even before the Covid-19 pandemic, the US was not on track …