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Peace in the new development agenda

Steve Killelea and Camilla Schippa 1 December 2015

Recent United Nations and World Bank reports have highlighted that almost no fragile or low-income country has met MDG targets. This fragility is widespread, with the Institute for Economics and Peace (IEP) finding that 2 …

Philanthropy can advance climate justice through the SDGs

Sean McCabe 1 December 2015

Sustainable development and climate change are inextricably linked. The governments of the world recognized this in formulating Goal 13 of the Sustainable Development Goals, ‘take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts’. Left …

How foundations can re‑think strategies to benefit the SDGs

Karolina Mzyk 1 December 2015

The Sustainable Development Goals should concern foundations interested in international development, considering the unprecedented collaborative process by which the goals were negotiated, the political consensus around their adoption, as well as their universality. Moreover, the …

The power of partnership: insights from Kenya

Janet Mawiyoo and Susan Njambi Odongo 1 December 2015

A famous Kiswahili saying ‘kidole kimoja hakiuwi chawa’ – a single finger alone cannot kill a louse – mirrors some recent reflections on the Millennium Development Goal (MDG) achievements and challenges. Governments wouldn’t effectively achieve …

Partnering for the public good: an SDG strategy

Rien van Gendt 1 December 2015

The evolving interaction between foundations and government in the Netherlands could either excite people in the foundation community or worry them. The Dutch government signed a landmark agreement with foundations, called ‘Space for Private Giving’, …

Philanthropy should track SDG progress

Tendai Murisa 1 December 2015

The global community of development practitioners should take pride in the achievement of a consensus move from the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) to the SDGs. The process has not been smooth. There are still disagreements …

Teach development

Marzia Sicia and Cristina Toscano 1 December 2015

The Sustainable Development Goals set a new vision for the future of our societies: unlike their predecessors, the MDGs, they don’t distinguish between developed and developing countries and they are meant to be applied universally. …

Case study – Community philanthropy chimes with SDGs

Avila Kilmurray and Jenny Hodgson 1 December 2015

Implementing goals, community by community The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) have arrived after years of dialogue. Where the earlier Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) were formulated in United Nations offices – one was even added as …

Audacity, adaptability key to SDG partnerships

Rachita Vora 1 December 2015

The Sustainable Development Goals focus as much on what we must achieve as they do on how we might go about it. The new global development thus enables new possibilities for how we collaborate across …

Cut waste to prevent hunger

Luis Jeronimo and Francisco Palmares 1 December 2015

Acting with others, foundations can help halve or reduce even further the amount of food wasted. To do so supports Goal 1 – to end hunger. The Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation’s work in Portugal provides an example. Portugal …