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Why the SDGs matter

Heather Grady, Bhekinkosi Moyo and Sevdalina Rukanova 1 December 2015

One of the most important shifts in international cooperation of the last 50 years will take place in January, as the 15-year-old Millennium Development Goals campaign comes to an end and a new set of …

Foundations can set the agenda for SDG partnerships

Maria Hermínia Cabral and João de Almeida Pedro 1 December 2015

The growing interdependence between countries and the global nature of many of the problems will require the efforts of all parts of the development community to implement the Sustainable Development Goals. They will all need …

Foundations keen to collaborate on SDGs

Barry Knight 1 December 2015

We are at a pivotal moment in the history of the relationship between philanthropy and official development assistance. The key question is: will foundations take part in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)? To find out, …

Advancing impacts, not numbers

Franky Welirang 1 December 2015

Sustainable development goals (SDGs) are becoming buzzwords. I have been asked whether philanthropy institutions should participate in SDGs. I believe the philanthropy community should engage in any global initiative relevant to its work that contributes …

SDGs can be a tool in the accountability toolbox

Danny Sriskandarajah 1 December 2015

Many of my civil society colleagues worry about a long list of potential problems with the Sustainable Development Goals – that there are too many goals and targets and governments will only work on the …

SDGs may trigger tax reform

John Christensen 1 December 2015

The recent global summit in Addis Ababa on the post-2015 Sustainable Development Goals revealed an important policy shift away from the aid-focused 2000 Millennium Development Goals towards what is known in the jargon as ‘domestic …

Tax reform changes the game for schools

Adriano Campolina 1 December 2015

In September 2015, a remarkable thing happened: nearly every government in the world agreed to reduce inequalities and end gender discrimination. What they didn’t agree on was how. A key part of the ‘how’ is …

New mindsets and practices are needed to finance the SDGs

Heather Grady 1 December 2015

The Sustainable Development Goals will require governments to rethink how they collect and allocate funds, and how private investors and businesses must reorient their practices towards positive social and environmental impacts. Over the past two …

The long march towards responsible money

Matthieu Calame 1 December 2015

The majority of philanthropy institutions fulfil the SDGs through their grants. What about the rest of their metabolism? What is the global impact of PIs? If you consider a single PI – for instance our …

Foundations and the SDGs: poised to make a difference?

Larry McGill 1 December 2015

Robust data systems, currently beyond the capacity of many developing nations, will be fundamental to ensuring the global adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals. Philanthropy can jump-start that process. Foundations should take a moment to compare …