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Special features

Believe in the power of communities

Nina Blackwell 29 November 2016

Community philanthropy is one of the most potent mechanisms for sustainable change in Africa. We aim to prove it by creating a theory and practice of support for community-based organizations (CBOs), enabling African CBOs to …

Last word: A seat at the table for everyone

Ridgway White 29 November 2016

In today’s super-connected society, major decisions are being made based on little credible information and even less meaningful relationships. Communication seems to be restricted to 140 characters or less. In turn, conflict and disagreements appear even …

What influence does philanthropy exert?

Alliance magazine 6 September 2016

There are increasing signs of philanthropy influencing policy and policy networks but, as yet, no overarching theory of how it does so. Philanthropic traditions vary, as do the political, social and economic contexts in which …

Introduction to the Special feature

Charles Keidan 6 September 2016

How assertive should private philanthropy be, or be allowed to be, in its efforts to influence public life? Philanthropy’s relative freedom gives it a unique vantage point to address social issues. At a time when …

What influence does philanthropy need?

Alliance magazine and Aart De Geus 6 September 2016

Alliance put the following questions to a panel of experts around the world of philanthropy: How involved should philanthropy be in determining public policy and/or influencing the public sphere? Does it depend on how the …

Realizing the power of philanthropy in India

Ingrid Srinath 6 September 2016

As I write these words, news headlines in India are dominated by two themes: on the one hand, a growing wave of protest, from widespread student unrest and caste-based mobilizations to renewed militancy in Kashmir; …

Interview with Rohini Nilekani

1 Charles Keidan 6 September 2016

Rohini Nilekani is one of India’s most prominent and outspoken philanthropists. She talks to Alliance editor Charles Keidan about how she gives and to whom; why, for someone whose philanthropy is very public, she sometimes …

Full spectrum philanthropy

Anantha Padmanabhan and Tasqeen Macchiwalla 6 September 2016

Over the last 25 years, there has been increasing recognition of the role of philanthropy in India and its contribution to the country’s development. The vast majority of foundations and trusts set up by India’s …

What role for philanthropy in a democratic India?

1 Amitabh Behar 6 September 2016

Even before the recent Brexit vote, the rise of Donald Trump and the growth of so-called Islamic State it was clear we were witnessing a moment of disruption in history. While global leaders were formulating …

Interview with Amit Chandra: How is philanthropy in India changing?

Charles Keidan 6 September 2016

How has the scale of philanthropy changed in the last decade in India? Philanthropy in India is coming full circle. A century ago the country was economically struggling but at the forefront of global philanthropy …