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A Conversation about fake news that we need to have 

2 Misha Ketchell 5 December 2017

Anyone looking for evidence that public discourse can’t handle complex ideas need look no further than the rapid demise of the term ‘fake news’ in 2017. After the 2016 US presidential election, BuzzFeed journalist Craig Silverman …

Last word: Funding the philanthropy media

Charles Keidan 5 December 2017

The need for informed and rigorous coverage of philanthropy is greater than ever. As philanthropy grows in power and influence, assumes new forms and takes root in new markets, who is going to tell the …

Nothing about us without us – philanthropy’s diversity challenge

1 Sumitra Mishra and Angela Seay 5 September 2017

This issue of Alliance investigates philanthropy’s diversity predicament. How can philanthropy do the most good if it doesn’t reflect the society it seeks to serve? Our guest editors, Sumitra Mishra and Angela Seay, ask some hard …

White and wealthy 

Caroline Fiennes, Helen Owen and Charles Keidan 5 September 2017

The Alliance diversity survey reveals some gaps but we only know so much. Introduction When Alliance magazine was planning its special feature, it wanted the issue to be informed by data on diversity in institutional philanthropy in terms of age, gender, ethnicity, class and disability. As limited data are available, Alliance decided to conduct its …

Diversity in the social investment field  

1 Stephen Bediako and Gemma Rocyn Jones 5 September 2017

Just over year ago, a number of organizations in the social investment market came together to better understand our diversity and inclusion. We were spurred on by research from the  Young Foundation which found gender equality to be a blindspot in our sector. We wanted to understand what is really happening. …

Indonesian philanthropy must embrace the country’s diversity 

Kamala Chandrakirana 5 September 2017

For Indonesia, ‘unity in diversity’ has necessarily been a core principle of nation building and the capacity to manage diversity a matter of survival. With a population of 250 million, Indonesia is the largest Muslim-majority …

Feminist philanthropy comes to South Asia 

Tulika Srivastava 5 September 2017

For decades, the donor-grantee power relationship has been skewed. Those who ‘give’ have power over those who ‘receive’. This is even more pronounced in south Asia where the state, donors based in the global north and corporate foundations dominate. It is crucial, therefore, that women’s funds in particular are challenging the current politics of aid as well as the status quo that exists …

Revisiting diversity in European philanthropy 

1 Karen Weisblatt 5 September 2017

Nearly a decade ago, a group of European foundations, loosely organized in a European Foundation Centre (EFC) interest group, set out to develop a collective plan to promote diversity and inclusiveness in the philanthropic sector. The premise was that people from ethnic minorities …

Diversity, equality, inclusion – there’s a long way to go

Floyd Mills and Natalie Ross 5 September 2017

In 2016, women represented over three-quarters of foundation staff in the US but among the largest grantmakers, fewer than half of foundation CEOs were women. In the same year, racial and ethnic minorities made up only 10 per cent of …

The world has changed. Why can’t philanthropy?

Karisia Gichuke 5 September 2017

Two things struck me at a panel session of a recent gathering of foundations in Europe. First, the lack of visible diversity in the room, and second, the advice being given to foundations: have more open dialogue with grantees, be more responsive in your grantmaking, with more …