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Special features

Whither Indian diaspora philanthropy?

Rajesh Tandon 6 March 2018

‘If you want to give back to India, this is the best time to do so,’ Indian prime minister, Narendra Modi, told the Indian community in the US during his visit to America in June …

Finding a way in Kashmir

Bilal Ahmad Pandow 6 March 2018

Like any other country, India has a regulatory framework governing the operations of the non-profit organizations working in the country. In addition to the limits those regulations prescribe, they sometimes impose unforeseen challenges on the …

Pakistan’s information gap

1 Sofia Shakil 6 March 2018

Diaspora philanthropy in Pakistan can be categorized broadly into three streams of funding. The first relates to faith-based contributions by overseas Pakistani charities and individuals, predominantly from the UK since the 1950s but increasingly from …

The skill of the Irish

1 Kingsley Aikins 6 March 2018

In the 19th and 20th centuries, 10 million people emigrated from Ireland. The good news is that this has resulted in a diaspora of over 70 million people, with more than 44 million living in …

China attracts diaspora investment and innovation

Mark Sidel 6 March 2018

As the Chinese diaspora diversifies, so too is its giving, dramatically expanding the traditional model of small-scale philanthropy. Over a decade ago, in the groundbreaking volume Diaspora Philanthropy and Equitable Development in China and India …

Israel as the focal point

Alliance magazine 6 March 2018

The hopes and dreams of many Jewish philanthropists – and the communities they are part of – find their expression in the support of a range of causes in Israel. The run-up to and establishment of …

The pursuit of mutually assured survival 

1 Miguel Castro 5 December 2017

Why are the worlds of philanthropy and the media still so far apart? What could and should be done to bring them together and realize the promise of a reciprocal relationship? In this special feature, we look at the space where these two worlds collide, and what happens as …

The media philanthropy space in 2017 

Eric Karstens 5 December 2017

Philanthropies now support media and journalism to a spectacular degree – some $1.3 billion annually between 2011 and 2015, a stunning amount by news industry standards. The authoritative source on the matter, the Media Grants Data Map maintained by Media Impact Funders and the Foundation Center, indicates how charitable foundations …

Philanthropists who own or back media

Andrew Milner and Charles Keidan 5 December 2017

The following is a small selection of philanthropists who have exploited the potential power of media as part of a wider philanthropic or commercial arsenal: Pierre Omidyar Founder of eBay Pierre Omidyar has, in his …

Foundation programmes on the media

Andrew Milner and Charles Keidan 5 December 2017

A number of foundations run programmes on the media in different parts of the world backing investigative journalism, maintaining journalistic standards in the digital age, increasing credibility of news and maintaining open channels of information …