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Philanthropy, yes, but philanthropy for racial equity…?

Selma Moreira and Fernanda Lopes 2 June 2020

Despite a large Black population, Brazil has struggled to mount an effective response to racial inequality The relationship between philanthropy and the black population is long-standing, the best expression of it being the Black Sisterhoods. …

The lessons of municipalism

Iva Čukić and Xavi Ferrer 2 June 2020

What can philanthropy learn from the municipal movement when it comes to supporting social change? Philanthropic foundations make an important contribution to the municipal movements’ development and their pursuit of broader social change goals. This …

Intersex human rights funding – a pressing issue

Dan Christian Ghattas 2 June 2020

Intersex issues are human rights issues. So where is the funding for our movement? According to the UN at least 1.7 per cent of the global population, or, as of 2020, more than 132 million …

The time is now

Zion Lights 2 June 2020

Extinction Rebellion is not just about saving what we can of the ecosystem, it’s about establishing a new order When the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) 1.5 Warming report was released in autumn 2018, …

On their own ground

Mónica Alemán 3 March 2020

If you want to build strong partnerships with Indigenous people, you have to approach them as equals and on their terms Machu Picchu in Peru, Teotihuacan in Mexico, or Tikal in Guatemala: what do these …

Relationships first, money after

Manaia King 3 March 2020

Philanthropy can help restore the power and dignity of Indigenous Peoples and their cultures, but it takes more than writing cheques, having meetings and making the right noises ‘He aha te mea nui o te …

In profile: Indigenous philanthropy

Alliance magazine 3 March 2020

A snapshot of the key funds, foundations and networks at the heart of the growing Indigenous philanthropy movement Indigenous-led funds The AYNI Fund (FIMI) Launched in 2008, the AYNI Fund is one of several strands …

Justice is key to real social progress

Lourdes Inga and Darren Walker 3 March 2020

Lourdes Inga (Peruvian of Quechua descent) of the International Funders for Indigenous Peoples talks to Darren Walker, president of the Ford Foundation about the importance of placing Indigenous perspectives centre-stage Lourdes Inga: International Funders for …

Mantras and the arch of leadership

China Ching 3 March 2020

The best way philanthropy can support Indigenous Peoples is by backing the continuum of leadership between, within and across communities A few months ago, I found myself in the middle of the rainforest in Borneo. …

Arctic conservation harnesses Native skills

Anne Henshaw 3 March 2020

After years of relying on international NGOs, funders are beginning to value the contribution Indigenous Peoples can make to environmental conservation In October 2020, the 15th conference of Parties for the Convention on Biological Diversity …