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Special features

Rio Tinto tries to be a good neighbour

John Roskam 1 June 2000 For Subscribers

‘Wherever the Group operates, good relations with its neighbours are fundamental to long-term success.’ So states The Way We Work, Rio Tinto’s Statement of Business Practice. As one of the world’s largest mining companies, with …

Getting into bed with business – some precautions

Barry Coates 1 June 2000

What leads companies to take steps to become more ethical? Trying to answer this question is one of the most difficult tasks for a pressure group, and the benefit of hindsight often doesn’t help much. …

Muslim NGOs

Affan Cheema 1 March 2000 For Subscribers

As one might expect, given the absolute centrality of charity to the Muslim way of life,  the last two decades have seen a rapid expansion in the number of Muslim NGOs —  a modern-day articulation …

Aiding civil society in postcommunist societies: future challenges

Thomas Carothers 1 March 2000

Ten years ago, most observers thought of civil society aid to Central and Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union as quick-acting doses of support to expand the envelope of freedom in the initial hump …

Partnerships without borders – softer skills needed

Jacek Wojnarowski and Nev Jefferies 1 March 2000

Immediately after the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, there was an exponential increase in the number of contacts between Western organizations, both donors and NGOs, and their counterparts in Central and Eastern Europe …

Foreign funding in Hungary – what worked and what didn’t

Nilda Bullain 1 March 2000

Although foreign support has never been a major factor in the total income of the Hungarian non-profit sector compared to other CEE countries, Western funding has played a significant role in the development of the …

Ten years’ grantmaking – what have we learned?

Alliance magazine 1 March 2000

Jon Blyth of the Mott Foundation[1] is one of those individuals described by Helena Ackerman (see p27) as having become ‘institutions in their own right in the region’. Alliance asked him if he had any …

Transplanting the community foundation model

Clare Brooks with Juraj Mesik and Beata Hirt 1 March 2000

At first sight Central and Eastern Europe might not seem to present promising conditions for US-style community foundations, dependent as they are on the support of committed local people with money to give away. But …

Encouraging NGO sustainability – some examples from around the world

Alliance magazine 1 December 1999

LOCAL TRUST FUNDS HELP POOR COMMUNITIES IN ECUADOR Although rich in natural resources, Ecuador, a small country in the Andes, is a poor country. Fundación Esquel was established in 1990 in response to the increasing …

Giving without frontiers

Cathy Pharoah 1 December 1999

Global markets bring individuals from different nation states into ever closer economic, social and political relationships with each other. The creation of a global civil society is an integral part of these burgeoning, if as …