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The care gap

Raj Mariwala 1 March 2022 For Subscribers

In low- and middle-income countries particularly, the provision of mental health services is inadequate to address the spectrum of mental health issues Globally over a billion people are living with a mental disorder and 80 …

Now it’s getting exciting!

Natasha Mueller 1 March 2022 For Subscribers

Although it is seldom highlighted by the SDGs, good mental health is fundamental to many of the most significant challenges we face. There are positive signs that funders are catching on to this Many philanthropists …

Strengthening young people’s mental well-being

Theodoros Chronopoulos, Deborah Diedericks and Eva Roca 1 March 2022

Adolescence can be a critical time for mental health, especially in challenging circumstances. Funders who work with young people – on any issue – can help At EMpower, we partner with organisations in emerging market …

Shifting the frame

Vani Jain 1 March 2022 For Subscribers

Philanthropy needs to move away from targeted support for a few to mental health for all When I started at Toronto’s Centre for Addiction and Mental Health in 2006, mental health was an unfamiliar term. …

Last Word: £100 million to spend on mental health

Alastair Campbell 1 March 2022 For Subscribers

What would you do with the money? Alastair Campbell, British broadcaster and mental health campaigner, has a few ideas One hundred million pounds is a significant amount of money in the world of mental health, …

A moment between then and now

Ruth Richardson 30 November 2021

We must take the opportunity offered by events to reconfigure the world’s food systems – and that involves seeing them as systems When we first sat down to conceptualise this issue, we thought about the …

In profile: Food Systems Philanthropy

Alliance magazine 30 November 2021 For Subscribers

From production to distribution and consumption, philanthropy helps to shape global food systems. Here is a snapshot of some of the principal organisations and groups active in the field. Funders for Regenerative Agriculture (FORA) aims …

Philanthropy’s role past and future

Michael Quinn Patton 30 November 2021 For Subscribers

Growing more food has been the global response to food insecurity. It will no longer suffice and philanthropy should be prepared to lend its hand to a more thoroughgoing change In the build-up to the UN …

Peer Dialogue: Food security, climate change and pandemia

Ruth Richardson, Zulfiquar Haider and Vijay Thallam 30 November 2021 For Subscribers

Climate change and the pandemic have brought deficiencies in food systems into stark focus. ‘Natural farming’ offers one possibility for much-needed change. Guest editor Ruth Richardson talks with Vijay Thallam of the Andhra Pradesh Community-managed …

Everyone has skin in the game

Lukas Haynes and Omar Sana 30 November 2021 For Subscribers

Climate change and food systems are intimately connected, leaving philanthropy with an increasingly critical role in the task of mitigating one and changing the other The scale of investment required for the economic transformation that …