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Special features

Endowments and endowment building in South Asia

Mark Sidel 1 June 2001

South Asia has a long history of organizational endowments – or corpus funds, as they are often termed in the region. Both Hindu and Muslim cultures of giving have strong notions of endowment. There is …

A trust for Central and Eastern Europe

Jacek Wojnarowski 1 June 2001

Several leading Western foundations became involved in supporting democracy and civil society development in Central and Eastern Europe more than a decade ago, soon to be followed by various governmental agencies. Once stable market economy …

Associations of grantmakers: why should we care about them?

Barry Gaberman 1 March 2001

During the past 20 years, every region of the world has seen spectacular growth in associations that have as a significant part of their mission, if not their sole mission, to serve foundations and other …

Local vision plus international influence – the case of the Mexican Center for Philanthropy

David Winder 1 March 2001

What is the value of international exchange and learning in building the capacity of philanthropic support organizations? The case of the Centro Mexicano para la Filantropía (Mexican Center for Philanthropy – CEMEFI) suggests part of …

Colombian Center for Corporate Responsibility

Alliance magazine 1 March 2001

The Centro Colombiano de Responsabilidad Empresarial (CCRE) provides a contrasting case. It started life six years ago as a centre for phlanthropy with a mission and objectives similar in many ways to those of CEMEFI. …

Women’s Funds Around the World – Angela Borba Fund, Brazil

Amalia Pfaeffle 1 December 2000

February 2000 saw the creation in Nepal of a unique new network, the International Network of Independent Women’s Funds. Launched early last year, the Angela Borba Fund is a member, one of a growing number …

Women’s Funds Around the World – Tewa, Nepal

Rita Thapa 1 December 2000

Founded in 1996, Tewa’s mission is to support emerging groups of women all over rural Nepal. In a country where giving has traditionally been largely through religious channels, Tewa seeks to change attitudes to giving …

Pooling funds to make the money go further

Chris Allan 1 December 2000

How do you find grassroots groups that will be able to do effective work and how do you get money out to them? The Global Greengrants Fund is a donor collaborative set up to solve …

How the Global Green Grants system works

2 Alliance magazine 1 December 2000

The Siberia Advisory Board The Global Greengrants Fund has supported small, grassroots projects in Siberia and the Russian Far East since 1995. Working with an Advisory Board made up of leading environmentalists, GGF can identify …

Charity Know How – imperial arrogance or valuable approach?

Andrew Kingman 1 December 2000

Both foundations with growing assets and institutional donors such as the British Government Department for International Development are exploring re-granting strategies – making large grants to organizations with the capacity to make a larger number …