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Towards an understanding of civil society in the Arab world

Alaa Saber 1 March 2002

In the wake of September 11, it has become clear that the West completely lacks understanding of the rich variety of Arab culture and morality. Lacking this understanding, the West mistakenly perceives the tragic incidents …

How to avoid creating a ‘virtual’ civil society

Žarko Papić 1 March 2002

After the Dayton Peace Agreement (1995), which put an end to the four-year war, Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) became a major beneficiary of international support. Six years later, neither the economic situation nor the role …

How well are we doing? A challenge to US non-profits

Alliance magazine 1 March 2002

‘The major challenges of September 11 are to rediscover core values or first principles, and learn how to embrace or handle or confront change and uncertainty.’ So said Mott Foundation President and CEO Bill White …

The US non-profit sector in the wake of September 11

Rick Cohen 1 March 2002

Following the unprecedented outpouring of charitable giving by the American people in response to the September 11 disaster, a critical spotlight has now turned on the charities that were the main beneficiaries of this generosity. …

Supporting tolerance and pluralism in Indonesia

Suzanne Siskel 1 March 2002

The Ford Foundation has worked in Indonesia for nearly 50 years. The focus of its grantmaking in this predominantly Muslim country has evolved over the years in response to changing needs and priorities. Today, Ford’s …

Teaching the art of politics in action

Neil Jameson 1 March 2002

At the beginning of a meeting in London’s East End on 8 November last year, a thousand people stood to remember the terrible events of September 11. A minute of silence was requested as a …

Responses to terror – the Internet at full potential?

Ann Longley 1 March 2002

Online giving reached unprecedented levels following the September 11 terrorist attacks, with $57 million raised in the first week alone. Internet companies responded to the tragedy with impressive speed and effectiveness. Most notably, Yahoo!, AOL …

Corporate responsibility after September 11

Simon Zadek 1 March 2002

It is widely predicted by self-styled progressive internationalists that the ghastly destruction of the World Trade Center, the quintessential symbol of global capitalism, will bring with it a realization that ‘business as usual’ is both …

Civil society under threat following September 11

Kumi Naidoo 1 March 2002

To what extent are anti-terrorist measures by governments weakening civil society, whether inadvertently or intentionally? And how are civil society organizations (CSOs) acting to counter threats to civil liberties – either threats to their own …

Peanut butter falls on Kandahar – NGOs after September 11

Ian Smillie 1 March 2002

September 11 was a watershed for Afghanistan. People who had been starving for the better part of a decade would soon experience ritual bombing and destruction. But then long-awaited aid would start to arrive. Some …