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Special features

Looking beyond the binary

Rachita Misra and Huda Jaffer 31 May 2022 For Subscribers

Learning from failure needs a sharp and objective eye. We need to be able to discern it in the midst of apparent success – and vice-versa The climate emergency brings to the fore the need …

Failure is rewarded in the coin of wisdom

Matthew Carr, Kara Stevens and David Wiklie 31 May 2022 For Subscribers

Talking openly about what went wrong is not about recrimination, but about grasping the opportunity to improve We all want to achieve our goals. That means we need to know how to make those aspirations …

Decree or co-create? How to decide what is working

Brenda Solorzano and Stephanie Schilling 31 May 2022 For Subscribers

The success or failure of initiatives is often determined by the donor without much reference to the grantee. Ironically, this can make it seem to the funder that what is a success is really its …

Leadership and intentionality

Denise Brennan and Lee Risby 31 May 2022 For Subscribers

Organisational learning is more than just falling forward, it’s about developing a clear, intentional pathway to success At Laudes Foundation, we closed 2021 with an event for staff which was about sharing failures and drawing …

An opportunity we can’t afford to miss

Iain Dickson 31 May 2022 For Subscribers

Faced with the biodiversity crisis, failures of conservation projects give rise to much soul-searching. However, for the same reason, a closer look at these failures is vital The scale and severity of the current biodiversity …

Last Word: Learning from failure is a profitable pursuit

Andrew Milner 31 May 2022 For Subscribers

Failures: in a spirit of openness, let me advance one of my own. Long ago, I was entered in an elocution competition, in which the competitors, all children too young to be able to say …

Does philanthropy have a mental health problem?

Krystian Seibert 1 March 2022

Philanthropy has often shied away from tackling mental health. Do the reasons usually given for this mask a deeper unease among funders? As a person who is passionate about both philanthropy and mental health and …

In Profile: Mental Health Philanthropy

Alliance magazine 1 March 2022 For Subscribers

Despite its relatively humble position in the pecking order of causes which deserve funding, many organisations around the world, funders as well as practitioners, are engaged with the issue of mental health. The following offers …

Peer Dialogue: Being OK in the chaos

Krystian Seibert and Joshua Haynes 1 March 2022 For Subscribers

How can we approach mental health in a different way that recognises its broad impacts across society? How can we more holistically invest in organisations and people, ensuring that the well-being of staff is put …

Mental health funding still in the shadows

Danielle Kemmer and Rory White 1 March 2022 For Subscribers

A global strategy linking the disparate elements of the mental health field is urgently needed if the issue is to get the attention it warrants In April 2016, the World Bank and WHO co-hosted a …